𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 19

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"Where ever the wind decides to take me I shall follow freely without any doubts nor hesitations as it is my guide... I'll follow the wind freely like a bird, I'll just let its breeze flow through with me...I'll just spread my wings like a caterpillar turned into a butterfly and I'll let it lift me up high... As high as I can go... I'll busk and lose myself within the sounds it makes as it touches my soul in dimensions that I never knew existed... Most importantly I'll be one with the wind and it shall be one with me... Wherever the wind goes I'll follow "

Well if someone told me that I'd be having a good time with my dad in a fancy restaurant a few months ago I would have laughed at their faces, but here I am having a meal and sharing a laugh with the first man to ever love me, the first man to ever hold my hand and tell me everything is going to be alright, the only man that I never doubt his love for me as he shows it, he shows it in so many ways than one, by him placing his arm over my shoulder when we take a strall down the garden. He makes me feel his love and I see it everytime he says my name. He is the first man to truly show me what love is, I've felt love through him and from him... I love my dad as I know he loves me freely without any doubts nor hesitations and I don't have to question his love for me.

Well we had fun at the restaurant it's a pity mom wasn't there but it was good spending time with my dad, we were currently driving somewhere, he said it was a surprise when suddenly Ciara's I got you played and did uBab'Nzimande turn up the volume habe I was so surprised... I love the song so much, I mean it's a reassurance from a parent to a child from a place of love... It made me realize how much uBaba no Ma have always had me... Through every step they've been there with me holding me, they've had my back when odds were against me damn I thank usmaki for them.

I was so lost in my head and the song when I realized we were parked in front of Thuli's house, I looked at my dad for answers he just smiled and said "khangethembe ngane yami please" I laughed and said " OK baba I trust you" as soon as I said that he got out of the car and rushed to my side and opened my door, ouh Chile trust my dad to treat me like an egg. He took my hand and helped me out of the car and then locked it while he took my hand and led me into the house. Being here kinda brings back memories of him but ke it is what it is... When we entered the lights were off, that's odd. I spoke and said " hybo dad why I we in Thuli's house when she is not here and why is the light off..." that's when the light went on and everyone whom is important to me was in front of me and they shouted "surprise!!!!"I was surprised indeed I even cried out of happiness of course.

𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝑪𝒖𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now