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"Life is filled with endless possibilities and  with each day comes the opportunity to explore and experience those possibilities, Life is a canvas painted with a very complex yet beautiful picture but the interpretation is different from one person to the other as life is what you make it to be"

Life is a wonder so much that sometimes we think we have it figured out or we convince ourselves that we have it figured out, I mean not so long ago I was on about how happy I was but now I am questioning everything I know and think I know, I mean why would Nathi's grandmother visit me again in my dreams angry asking why am I leaving Nathi's child out?, Do I want history to repeat itself? I mean as far as I know Nathi's kids are on their room sleeping and another one is watching over us or maybe yimina isilima njee. You must be wondering where or what I am doing ohh well I've put the kids to bed and ngisando phahla and now I am waiting for the man I am engaged to who seems to not stop with the secrets and lies. I thought at this point he trusted me enough to tell what is happening or any secrets he might have, heck I thought he learnt his lesson when his parents secrets costed us our baby's life because I sure did, well shelele munu Azade you thought wrong because I know nothing about the man I am about to marry. Tell me why am I now waiting for Nathi's housekeeper from Joburg to walk in at any time with a colored baby boy fathered by my said fiancee? Ohh speak of the devil or housekeeper in my case and she shall shame you and appear, I can hear the car come to halt outside and I know that's Miriam and the driver that I had to threaten for him to bring the baby and Miram here, as they walk in I can see the pity in Miram's eyes, as she tries to speak maybe to explain herself I raised my hand and, "It's ok Miriam you were following your bosses orders no need to explain yourself to me , you can give me the baby, and you can retire to bed after having dinner, I am sure you are tired and also you sbu(driver) you may retire for the day", and with that she hands me the baby and the baby bag and says "His name is Ayabonga Nathaniel Ndlovu , and I am sorry Mam." I give her a faint smile and take the sleeping baby boy and cradle him in my arms while he lookes at me with the most beautiful shade of brown eyes and a head full of curly hair and gives me a toothless smile, right there and then I fall in love and made a promise to myself and this little boy that I am going to protect him with my all and love him as my own till I take my last breath but first I need to deal with his father.Aya falls asleep in my arms and I placed him in our bed as he is still young for a crib and placed some pillows around him and went to Nathi's office and took out his gun and rolled a joint and set in the dark in our lounge and waited for this man to come home. And please don't judge me, I just want to shoot him just once and then I will be fine I promise you and I am not crazy I swear. An hour later the man of this house graces me with his presence while whistling and looking handsome as ever, must be nice sana here I am boiling with anger and swollen eyes because of him and yena ujabule ujulile, good thing the rooms are soundproofed as soon as he smells the weed  he stoppes on his tracks and lookes at me with anger, kaloku he said akazoba nesqhunywa somfazi so I must stop smoking and as the loving and respectful mfazi I am I stopped but hayi wethu we lie moss in this house, his eyes quickly notice the gun on my lap, his face changes from anger to confusion and fear passes through his eyes briefly but he is good I'll give him that because you would swear I am crazy If I say now he is looking at me blankly andI just laugh and cry and then laugh and guess what he is standing infront of me not moving and inch just looking that's when I say, "Must be nice nee Ndlovu, it must be very nice that mina Azade I must always suffer because of your secrets nee? It must be nice that I get to be blamed for keeping your child out that I knew nothing about ke phofu, like Nathi ma ungibuka ubona islimanje la kimi? Like was it not enough that I had to loose a child that I was yet to know because of your family's secrets? Now look at me going blind because you chose to keep me in the dark" before he could answer I shoot him on his shoulder blade he lookes at me  shocked and I continue to speak" Nathi for months now you have known about uAya but not even a single day did you think ohh I must tell the woman I claim to love and want to spend the rest of my life with that one of my exes dropped off our child and that the said exes husband is a posing threat to our family or the fact that I flew the child to KZN in secret and did a welcoming ceremony for the child, yeah nee sihambe siqoma shem, like Nathi am I that difficult to talk to or to trust, and don't try to answer that your actions have done that for you with that being said the wedding is off my uncles will bring back Ilobolo yakini ksasa and I am leaving with my kids all of them even the one you hid and try to stop me I will do more than just shoot your sholder and please kindly tell your ansestors to leave me the hell alone I've suffered enough because of nina"After the speech I stand up and place the ring on the table and that's when he comes at me I shoot him again just for control on his thigh and he falls, saying" Azade ngiyakcela sthandwa sam akhe sikhulume ngale ndaba"I just look at him and go to sleep he will sort himself out ngu guluva loo.

I am in so much pain and fun fact I am hard as hell, what Azade just did was hella sexy, I know you must be thinking is this man mad and yes I am madly in love with my wife who just called off our wedding but I langa lingawa licoshwe yinkukhu Azade and I are getting married, I know I've done her dirty but I'll give her the space she needs but if she thinks mina naye are done, she has another thing coming shem not when I know she can shoot like that and she doesn't miss bafethu, I call sbu and he is shocked to see me smiling while covered in blood and lookes at me shocked and alarmed, I just say"Ndoda ngisize ungise e Warehouse I have war to prepare for and as soon as you come back I need you to follow Azade and the kids where ever they are going and for you to protect them with your life siyezwana? ",he is still lost as to what is happening but says" Sho bhozza nakanjani"and then helps to the car and off we go to the warehouse to prepare for the unknown...

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