𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙎𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣

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𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙎𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣
𝑪𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒃𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔
As soon as I had woken up I ordered one of my Cape Town  guys for an update on Azade and then I told them to place some of my stuff in her closet and leave the note I had written on top of her bed.

Y'all have ever been called to a family meeting that was called specially for you? I was currently inside my father's study with the rents and it was so silent that you could hear our hearts beating out of our chests. Cutting through this thick silence was my father when he cleared his throat and said," I know you are wondering why are you hear son well there is something your mother and I have to tell you but before that I'm gonna need you to have an open mind and heart about this". Yhaa no kushubile!, " Ngilalele baba" it was as if both of them were ready to be swallowed by the ground. "Well son as you know your mother and I were not that present in your life as we were busy trying to build you a better future and for that we are deeply sorry. What we really want to tell you is that you have other siblings". Wtf!? "What do you mean baba, I mean from my memory I don't recall mom pregnant or did you cheat on her?" My anger was slowly building up as they had opened up old wounds. My mother spoke" Well son what we are trying to say is we were teens when we found out that we were expecting and both of us were career driven , we found out that we were expecting triplets two handsome baby boys and a beautiful baby girl. We were not ready nor could we afford three children all at once so as soon as I gave birth we Dec to give up two and keep one which is you and over the years we looked for the other two as soon as we had enough resources to so we finally found them and spoken to them and they are willing to try and build a relationship with us. Now you are wondering how will this affect you well as a punishment for what we did we were cursed that our first born shall carry a set of twins but the other on will be invisible more like a phantom pregnancy and whatever happens we must try by all means to prevent the carrier from getting a surgery as that may kill her and the babies." There was a pregnant pause. In my books my parents just moved from worst to pure evil. The choices they made are now affecting me as I'm their first born and the one expecting. Damn! This is fucked up. I got up and took my car keys and just left while my mother started crying. I drove out of there not knowing where was I going.

It was finally Monday and I was so excited that I woke up so early and got ready. I was wearing a light purple and white dress and I was looking bomb ewesi my fro was  in two buns one on the front and another at the back . My bump was not yet showing but you could see the changes in my body like my hips are getting wider while my thighs are getting thicker damn I'm hot nje ngiyababa!

It's so ironic how the first and last ever interview I've ever had keeps coming back to haunt me what if history will repeat its self yhoo I'd be doomed.

The gallery was a few blocks away from my apartment so as it was sunny and I was early I decided to walk. While walking I still felt like I was being watched hehehe I wonder. Getting to the gallery u was astonished by the view infront of me ewe I've seen more wow places but this place just had that inviting beauty that was like no other. Opening the door a bell jiggled notifying the lady who was moving around doing this and that, that there was someone.  Coming to attend me was a beautiful woman who was aging gracefully. Her smile reminded me of my mother. "Good morning mam I'm Scheckarazadè Nzimande, I believe I spoke to Lily Smith on the phone about a job offer at this Gallery". Her smile grew bigger and she said"I know who you are and I'm Lily Smith the owner of this small gallery, I saw one of your arts at a friend's house and when I saw your CV and portfolio I just couldn't let you go"I was just amazed that someone out there was a fan of my work wow just wow! "It's nice to meet you Mrs Smith infact it's an honour " she laughed "The pleasure is all mine dear , I mean this place does needs so young blood because it does get lonely at times especially now that my husband is no more and my kids are all overseas and my heart doesn't allow me to sell this place and move to London with my kids" yeyi liyathetha elixhekwazi but it's good to know that somewhere out there someone is going through something as well, you are not alone sibaninzi.

Lily and I spent the whole day getting to know each other and I told her everything about me even about my pregnancy and guess what? She was so excited to gain another grandchild so it's safe to say umntanami unogogo womlungu tltltl.

It's so nice how free I feel like I have been given a second chance in life to look for me and just reconnect with myself. I feel like a bird that was caged and now finally being released to fly freely in the skies.

Lily decided to drop me off at my place and as I entered I got those chills that say there was someone else in here and I swear there was someone else here. My point was proven when I got to my closet to find half of it full of clothes that I know too well. So much for being free Argh! Why did I get involved with this guy though mnxm. Funny enough I didn't panic. Throwing in one this idiot's shirts I opened my bed and as I was doing that a note fell down getting the note it read "I know you hate me but just so you know I gave Mkhize the shares back and I am so sorry for what we did to you and I'm currently going through hell and I love you with the hope that some day you'll find it in you to forgive me see you when I get back from the United Emirates love your Nathi" I was crying it's so funny how this idiot had this effect on me njee. Getting into bed with the note in hand I slept.


Sorry for disappearing on y'all but academics got me on lockdown.
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