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"Live do not just exist, you only have one lifetime so make the most of it while you still can, live loadly and freely..."
Have yiu ever experienced peace kanti the worst was yet to come? Ohh well we've been the practical example of that this side. Not so long ago I was telling you about how happy we are well ke not all that glitters is gold. Well I was cleaning up Nathi's office when I stumbled upon tittle deed papers to the farm next to ours and guess who is the owner, none other than Nkosinathi freaking Ndlovu but that's not what got me mad. What made me mad was the fact that when I went there as someone who is sight seeing vele not everyone knows how I look like as Nathi's baby mama, ok back to the point when I got there the farm was normal at first like ours but the deeper we went into the farm I noticed a green house at the far end of the farm and by the way things were going my tour guide was not going to the direction of the green house so ke minake, I asked for the loo and as soon as I got there, I found my way to the green house ungabuzi ukuthi njani but ke I did and what I found there was shocking. Nathi is a weed farmer but that's just the bare minimum, he is also a farmer of the Coca plant which is prohibited in South Africa due to it being the plant in which cocain comes from and it was not a small batch or whatever, half of the farm I'd say was a nursery to this plant. This plant is a rare commodity in South Africa meaning Nathi was making big money from it buthe needs to explain. So here I am in the dark in our lounge with a blunt and a bottle of wine waiting on my dearest baby daddy to explain and just on cue I can hear his car park in the garage, he comes into the house whistling, he must be happy, "Hybo kwanuka intsangu lay'khaya kwenze njani", he says this as he turns on the lights and that's when I answer him and say "Vele you would know how weed smells I mean you grow it after all and I must say this top grade stuff Ndlovu", I can't read his expression as his face is blank and he is just looking at me and then he says, "Ok this is creepy, you in the dark with wine and you are bloody smoking a blunt what about our kids Scheherazade?!, and what do you mean?!", I must say how my full name sounded from him had my clit twitching, must be the wine, and focus Zade focus, "Our kids ohh you care about them now wow!, and what do I mean? Nathi I know you own the farm next door and not only that kuleya fam wena you have weed and not only that Nathi you have bloody freain cocoa plants and seeds!!!", he was clenching his fists and vains were visible on his face and then he said," so what Azade, so what mhh? ", In the wise words of Khanyi Mbau, men will leave you in the desert without water I tell you," Uthi so what? Hayibo Nathi are you being for real? Nathi you are selling a very dangerous plant and not only that it's illegal, not to mention the fact that it's rare in South Africa, you might even be the only person who sells it!!!, uthi so what Nathi forgetting you've got kids!! " I was now crying because lendoda ayiziboni i rongo, he looked at me and said," Have the kids been in danger?, no!. Have you been in danger, no!!. Has the police come knocking at our door fucken no! Lalela lah ngikutshele something we sisi all this around you came from those plants it all came to existence because of those plants so ke if you have a problem there's the door but do me a favor and leave my kids behind ohh ngilinge and say you are taking them with you, uzobona, nxa!! ", and with that he took his car keys and left and all I did was sink to the floor staring at nothing in particular, where did we go wrong like sifike nini apha?

I'm woken up by a cry from the boys room and I'm on tge floor, the lounge is a mess and that's when I remember what went down izolo, yhoo!! after god fear men shem!!, quickly I rushed to the twins room and they are awake and probably hungry, so just like any other day I picked them up and off we went to the kitchen for breakfast. I was busy making breakfast for myself when Nathi barged into the door and twins were so happy to see him and so was he and guess what he ignored me and went to play and feed his kids well that's cool with me. I was now cleaning up the house when I felt his stare, I guess the twins are asleep now ohh well free time for me, but hayi sana uNdlovu was staring at me standing at the bottom of the stairs, while his hands where inside his farmer shorts haiyi shem angajonga ade andigqobhoze I'm not going to talk to him, I ignored him and continued with my business. As I was looking for ingredients for lunch in the fridge without warning the door was closed and my back was at the door with a hand holding my hands above my head and another one was in my panties, nam angazi kanjani but I am not complaining. Nathi's hands were going in and out of me as he whispered in my ear in a dangerously low voice and said, "Ohh I forgot to tell you that no matter where you go I'll find you and on top of that remember me and you are in this for life so there's one way out and that is through death, siyezwana?", call me toxic but what he was saying was turning me on even more yhoo!! before I could even answer I was quickly bent over the kitchen counter over looking the farm and Nathi didn't hesitate to pound into me mercilessly and without warning, he went on and on so much that I was apologizing for what nam andazi and before I could reach my peak he pulled out, fixed my dress and himself and then left. I was in tears hayibo lendoda!

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