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"They say we grow through what we go through, but I ask myself is that growth really worth the pain, the suffering, the tears and misery that we go through... Is that growth really worth the tears that effortlessly fall from our eyes and slide down our cheeks like a river to the sea?... Is that growth worth the lumps in our throats that we can't seem to swallow?, Is it worth the million 'I'm fine' 's we've programmed ourselves to utter while our lips quiver and our hands shake with tears threatening to spill out and hearts silently screaming for help... "

It's been a few days since Nathi and Azade were sent home with two healthy babies and a cold one...when they finally got home and distant family members started coming to see the babies a series of mixed emotions was felt they rejoiced for the life of the two babies but at the same time they mourned the death of the cold one, well for the visitors it was temporal but for Azade and Nathi it was as if with every member coming to congratulate and pass condolences the wound got deeper the pain got intense, with the both of them crying behind closed doors and keeping it together in front of everyone else.

With everything happening fastly slow, the day that everyone dreaded finally came and it started very early with Nathi and Azade going to the river at the crack of dawn to bath and shave their hair, after that they proceeded to Azade pumping some milk into iselwa for baby Azosule after that came the hardest part the burial of the baby, slowly his little casket went down the hole and Azade couldn't help but feel a part of her being reaped away way to quickly, that's when the flood gates of tears opened and her legs gave out on her but Nathi was there to catch her and for her to lean on and as a reminder that she was not alone that they were in this together and together they will heal and pick up the broken pieces and mend them into a perfectly Imperfect piece that represents them as a couple and as parents who never got to hear nor hold one of their children but got a life time with two of their children... "

A few weeks later...

You know I used to hear people talk about grief and how time heals. How everything gets better with time and I just want to say for me personally nothing is getting better the pain is insufferable and every time one of the twins cries, I cry with them for the baby I never got to hear cry... I know I was told that for  all to be well I have to forgive but I can't help but wonder why me?, why do I have to suffer for things done by those before me... But on the bright side Nathi and I cry together and we talk more, we are a team now and we have temporarily moved to the Western Cape in a farm in Stellenbotch and I just wanna say that Amadoda will surprise you sana because when we came here I thought we were just coming to a normal farm that Nathi bought while he was spying on me but No!, this is a vineyard that is under my name, nditsho mna sana Ek! As in Azade Nzimande. So basically I've got wine in my yard yaqonda! I don't have to go and buy it not ndinayo kwam. This place is so beautiful and I might just move here with the twins or make it our holiday home you know them white people vibes wethu.

Nothing is nicer than having to wake up next to Azade. We've grown so close and I wouldn't have it any other way, Azade has became my peace in this chaos you know with everything going on, I know that I have a home in her and our children and I am at a point where I feel like I should just let my brother do as he please with the company because even without it I am still the rich but I do want to clarify things, I want people to know that, that's not me but my twin so that is why Azade and I decided to hack into the company and go live addressing everything and I just wanna say we've caused havoc as the public is having my twin for breakfast for being a fake and for unethical business practices on top of that some workers have resigned and by the look of things by the end of this year Ndlovu Corp will be history....

Back at Ndlovu Corp...

Everything was chaotic, it was as if it's the end of the world because workers were moving up and down trying to extinguish the fire made by Nathi's video. Reporters where like a hive of bees outside the premises, phones were ringing non stop, you'd swear it was the end of the world. Investors were pulling out left right and center. Everything was happening so fast HR had a pile of resignation letters. In the mist of it all the police pulled in to arrest the other Mr Ndlovu the fake one of course. On the other side Mkhize was angry furious even because now his plan was ruined and on top of that he was also loosing money but one thing was prominent in his mind was that he won't give up until he gets what he wants!

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