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"Life is like a coin, it has two sides, your version and what the world sees and just like a coin you can only use it once so make it count..."

The is a song by Salaelo Selota tittled Thrrrr Phaa and that is my life guys, my life is a Thrrr Phaa. With being a single mother of 3 toddlers life has became an extreme sport bandla my life has become a do not try this at home sana because wow! If it's not the cops asking me about the whereabouts of my baby daddy of which I know nothing about, its his family refusing to take their lobola back, not forgetting trending on Twitter here and there ke sana and trust on tweeps to drag one and mop the floor with the "one" being my baby daddy and I, angazi ukuthi why bengifaka shem, but ke every day I choose peace sana. I don't want to lie and say I don't miss the lying man I call the father of my kids sana and I don't know why but remember the toy Thuli bought ohh it has been my fighter sanalwam, ohh you must be asking yourself ukuthi were am I, ohh ke sana I am on a farm along the N2 in the Eastern Cape right between Grahamstown and Peddie the nearest point of civilization that we have would be the Nanarha Express and hayi shem I love it here and I don't see myself going back to the city anytime soon and sana I paid half a leg for the White dude who was here to sell the place to me and at first he flat out refused but ke everyone has a price and he finally sold, so I've been here with my kids for over 3 months now meaning it's been three months since I called off the wedding and broke off the engagement and drum roll please and yes you guessed it right I am preggies again and nami ngiyazijaja everyday, how far am I you must be asking well angazi but I found out through our favorite ancestor uGogo kaNathi hayi shem uyabona lesa salukazi asihlukani nam shem but other than that I am at peace and the girls know whats up and Enkosi does come from time to time from P.E just to check up on us and she is now fully running both Art Gallaries I just handle the cyber side of things as we have now ventured into Online Viewings and Auctions, the babies are growing the twins now can say Mama, and they are walking fully bango Dora the explorer sana and I love every moment and my sweet boy Aya is also crawling now everything is rosey sana, lol I am joking and my parents did sped a week with us just to help us settle in and the as for Miriam and Sbu I left them in Cape Town, Miriam was sad yena I am not gonna lie but uzoba strongo ugirl. I've just now placed the kids to sleep and I am now taking a shower when I get started by the shower door opening and I am not quick enough with grabbing my gun, ewe I have one in the shower I am a mother bethuna in the middle of nowhere, I get pinned to the wall by hands that my is used to when I try to move he presses onto me and say"Yini Mama ukhangela isibhamu uzophinda ingidubule futhi?"When I try to speak he covers my mouth and says" Cha cha MaNzimande wakhuluma waqeda eCape Town now siskhathi sami ukuthi ngikhulume manje lalela... " Guys call me a fool because ask me why is this man's words on my ear sending vibrations to imomozi? Ask me why am I ready to say 'Yebo baba' hayi shem sofela emanyaleni, it's even hard to concentrate because this man has me pressed on the wall sana with my hands held by his in a tight grip and another one moving up and down on my but, abafana bayaloya stru noze nisho nithi ngasho!! I can feel his breath on my ear sana and the temperature kule shower has gone up sana, I've even forgot that he was speaking and what brings me back to earth is the slap I feel on my but and the moan that voluntarily leaves my throat hayi shem kusobala njee ukuthi kudala njee ngaba likati mina soloko ngadibana nale Ntsizwa, he continues and say"Azade ngabe ngikhuluma ngedwa yini? ", I just say" Chaa! "That time angizwanga luthoo! He proceeds and say" Hayike kuyasho ukuthi sizwene mangithi akunamshado uzoma la sizoqhuba neyintlelo njengase ekuqaleni akho ozolahla omnyu laa kungamane kuchitheke igazi and no more guns for you or this packing up your life every time we fight from now on masixabana singene gumbini sixoxe kwaye akekho ophumayi singekasitholi isisombululo emva kwalokho njee kuqhune isende njee emntwini vele nothing beats make up sex angithi, Zade? "He now has his fingers deep within my cookie and I'm loving it sana enye nenye sizoyixoxa after I've reached my peak, right there and then I feel him fill me up and I don't know if it's been a while or he has grown bigger ohh and mans has a head full of hair sana his whole appearance is giving Sjava kanje and I am loving it sana, I am a panting mess sana this man is having his way with me, one moment I am bent with my back being blown another one I am facing him with my back on the wall, it's like Nathi is marking me sana if I was not already pregnant I would say with how he is having me I would be, I don't know when or how did I pass out but I am woken up by Nathi entering me in a spooning position yhooo! Hayi shem he is making up for the past 3 month and he is making sure!!

The next day I am woken up by Nathi and his kids and the urge to Vomit mind you before he came back I didn't experience any morning sickness like why umsolwa eziveza and stuff it's not like ngizomfihla hybo!! I vomit my inside out ke sana with Nathi standing right next to me brushing my back and this makes me want to cry and cuss him out but I just sob, yhooo! Drama I tell you he looks at me worried shem I just continue and sob and then I stop once it hits me that my other babies haven't been fed as I abruptly stand up he helps me mind you ngima puna puna as the day I was born, no words exchanged Just two hearts beating, I wash my face and go to my closet and look for a loose dress because ain't no way I am wearing anything skin tight my whole body is aching with my girl down there throbing, as I try to open the door it is locked, I look at Nathi and say"Bra we've been through this before just open the door before I use a pin I'm tired and I have kids that need to be fed"he lookes at me and say "Azade the kids are fine Miriam and my dad has them mina nawe kumele sikhulume" I just look at him and then I see the food next too him I take the tray and sit down and say"After we have spoken Nathi what will change, now that all of a sudden you want to speak we must also speak yhaa no it's Nathi's world we all just renting sana nguwe umastandi "and I bite into the sour bread and eggs in front of me he looks at me I look back at him mind you I am siting on the floor right in front of him and he is sitting on the bed and hayi shem he looks tired but still handsome and then I say" Khuluma phela angithi uthe ufuna ukukhuluma"He holds the bridge of his nose in frustration and release a sigh and say"I understand that you are angry at me, heck you have every right to be but I won't tolerate is disrespect from you Azade, what I want us to talk about is the way forward for our family I get that I've made promises to you and our kids that I have broken but ngiyacela sithandwa sam besengicela ungiphe ithuba lokugcina ngilungise lapho ngi moshe khona, I know I am not worthy nor deserving of your forgiveness and love but Azade I am a selfish man who wants you all to himself, I am a flawed individual a walking red flag even but with you by my side all that does not matter, ngiguqa kuwe MaNzimande ngicela ungixolele"I look at this man who has my foolish heart in his hands with tears running down my cheeks and just wonder if I had not gone to that interview where would I be in life njee, would my heart hurt this much, would I have experienced such pain and love all in once?, I look at this man that I know I should stay away from but I am deeply in love with and say"You know Nathi these past few, months I've had time to look back and think had I'd not gone into that interview maybe just maybe my life wouldn't have turned out to be whatever it is now, maybe I wouldn't have to be bullied by people who refuse to rest in peace njee, I wouldn't have been a mother to 4 beautiful babies and now 5,yeah you heard me right I said 5 I am pregnant, it seems everytime you go awol you leave behind a seed in me dum of me not to be on contraceptives very dum, but guess what whenever it comes to you I become a fool, a fool for your love and heart but through it all Nathi awungiboni, you don't see how much I love you, it takes me packing my bags for you to notice to see and feel my value to you when you have me you don't see me, you do things on your own and hide things even babies from me and it all comes back to me and I won't lie and say I am proud that the last time I saw you I shot you heck that is not even me and I hate what I become when it comes to you because of you but through it all my foolish heart still wants you and only you so Nathi I have long forgiven you, just one thing I'm going to ask from you no more cops at my house looking for you or I'm going to put a bullet in your head and after that mourn the fuck out for you in a Vera Wang dress and Prada shades and the biggest dramatic hat I can get shem and that's a promise. Now can I go to my babies? "he looks at me and smile with tears and just hugs ne and say" Chaa mama sizolala uMkhulu has everything figured out "and just like that we go back to bed and sleep with him holding me like I am going to run,well I just might just for fun joking guys I like it here.

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