𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙚𝙣

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𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒃𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒆
Ever felt like you are walking on clouds like you are the only guy in the whole world I mean I am going to be a father a whole me took part in making a whole not one but two human beings. And to top it up my baby mama is flames damn my children will be good looking I mean me and Azade are just flames hehehe.  I was currently packing my stuff after signing up a deal  with thee Sheikh Mohammed Zayed Amir Khan making me  the richest man in Africa suckers! It was nice being here but now my heart and mind were back at home as much as I didn't want to go back specially with the drama with my parents I owed Azade my life I mean she just made me indoda emadodeni I might as well just wife damn I'll be damned to let another nigga cuff that.

So after I made that shocking discovery that Savela as in Azade's Vela is the Sheikh's bride and the queen of his nation can you believe that thee Savela one of Joburg's elite escorts is a Queen now and is the mother to the future king yes I said mother and guess what she begged me for Azade's contacts and as much as I did not want to give them up I did. I mean Savela did not part with Azade on good terms which is why I was a bit skeptical on giving her Azade's contacts but I'm no one to judge so I'll let them fix their mess ewesi the Sheikhl will be coming to SA to marry Vela lawfully with all cultural protocols observed I mean that guy is serious about Vela' and she too is serious about the guy so I'll wait for the invite Mina qaaa.

Ever since the first Skype Zade and I have been Skyping  a lot lately and I love how the pregnancy is making Azade more fuller than she was I mean yes she was and still is beautiful but now she is mouth watering as the curves have multiplied in all the right places come to think of it had I'd took it seriously when her breasts had grown bigger while we were still together we would have found out right there and then how I miss being deep inside her damn I swear I have blue balls from being celibate. On the flight back home I've been preparing myself both mentally and emotionally for the storm that is brewing. I mean this road won't be easy for me and Azade because of what my selfish parents did and I still have to explain that to Azade saze saxakeka sibancane.

I decided to take a normal flight like everyone else so that I don't draw attention to myself as journalists have been snooping around for me and I love how Azade has also kept a low profile as if we both disappeared from the face of the earth njee everyone wanted to know where are we when we are just under their noses tltltl. So I decided to land in Cape Town instead of Jozi as word was out that I'd be arriving at OR and journalists decided to flood the whole place so yeah I'll be landing in Cape Town and Azade is fetching me but under a different name she will be holding a card written THE NDLOVU GANG which is what we are going to be me, her and our kids so yeah it will be that awkward first meet up after sometime apart .

After a long agonising flight we finally land in Cape Town and to tell you the truth I was scared of Azade's reaction as she was at first skeptical about me living with her but at the end she agreed oh did I tell you that u madems thinks she is carrying one child tltl I'm sure she's kicking me out as soon as I explain to her that I'm a triplet so she is carrying twins. I did do some shopping in Dubai for her and the babies and I think I went a little overboard but hey you can't blame me I'm excited as much as I hate the morning sickness.

After getting through customs clearance I went to look for her in the sea of people awaiting their loved ones, and there she was looking as beautiful as ever. She was wearing my clothes and damn she looked hot. She had a board written The NDLOVU GANG and it was just cute damn I love this girl. As soon as she saw me approaching her eyes went wide a variety of emotions swirling in her eyes. I went on to hug her and at first she was stiff but finally allowed herself to hug me and that's when the water works began from who? Me of course while she looked at me weirdly but with a smile. Finally pulling away we went into the waiting Uber and as much as I hate them I have to do everything in Azade's way .

Getting to her place I tried to pretend that I've never been inside it until the lady herself said " quit the act Ndlovu you've seen this place and you've been here before and I wouldn't be surprised if you were to say you once owned this place" to be quite honest I was shocked about her outburst the Azade I know would just pretend to know nothing to avoid arguing and to tell the truth all she said was the truth but now was not the time to dwell on that . I sprung up from the couch and went straight to her bathroom and did what I do best which is vomiting my lungs out.  Azade followed suit and rubbed soothing circles on my back while she was in snitches damn this woman.

After I was done Azade served me with ginger biscuits and some Stoney claiming that it will help with the morning sickness. I was still eating when she said "are we going to talk or we are going to pretend as if konke kuhamba Kahle?" Damn angry Azade is sexy! Ndlovu get your head off the gutter clearing my throat I sad " Give me a chance to tell you everything right from the start" she just nodded her head and I told her everything from beginning to end and I even confessed my love to her. She looked at me in shock before slapping me not once but trice and said " the first slap was for all that you've did to me, the second one is for getting me pregnant and the third one is for disappearing and not chasing after me you idiot now kiss me' and she didn't have to ask me twice but I was more scared about telling her about what is yet to come so for now I left it to rest as soon things were going to go ape shit and it seems umamaz thinks she's carrying one hehe.

We sat up the whole night chatting. She was telling me about her art career reminding me of how I mocked and belittled her due to not having " up to standard qualifications" damn I was an ass but then I don't regret that cause had I not done it we wouldn't be here today. I love how she was able to pick herself up and establish stable roots for herself. She has made a name for herself locally and internationally through her social media platforms. Yes thee Azade Nzimande has an insta account where she posts and creates content but under a ghost name which is her full name but written in Arabic language, and yea I learnt a thing or two when I was there. She's just phenomenal and she's gonna have her first exhibition which is mind blowing I mean not so long ago she was a girl lost within the hustle and bustle of Jozi but now she's slowly climbing up the ladder of success all the way in the mother's city. It is true when they say we are all maize waiting to be popcorns and we will be but we won't pop at the same time but eventually we will.
Glancing at her she was fast asleep in my arms and she looked too cute especially with the growing bump. Taking a picture of her I lifted her bridal style and took her to her room and tucked her in, I was about to go to the spare room when she held my hand. Yeah no bafanaz I've hit the jackpot with this one.

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