𖠌 Chapter Fourteen

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"Jeno, are you ready?" Doyoung calls knocking on the said boy's bedroom door waiting patiently unlike someone downstairs.

"In a minute hyung!" Jeno replied as he fumbled on his clothes –which he doesn't have much– and sprays himself some suppressants to slightly hide his sweet strawberry minty scent.

"In a minute hyung!" Jeno replied as he fumbled on his clothes –which he doesn't have much– and sprays himself some suppressants to slightly hide his sweet strawberry minty scent

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He checks himself on the mirror and pursed his lips before glancing at the time, "good enough," he sighed and grabbed his necessities that he needed for the party.

He didn't want to upset anyone, especially his boss and the latter's wife. He knows people can be impatient, so he rushed his chores like he was cinderella.

Opening the door, he looks down shyly not wanting to meet Doyoung's eyes as he felt a bit tense.

The beta smiles brightly, "you look adorable!" He cooed pinching the omega's cheeks and ruffled his already messy hair.

Jeno whined slightly as his cheeks were tainted with the pretty color pink feeling embarrassed, "stop it hyung," he giggled.

"But it's true!" Doyoung said pouting as he then lends his arm out for the younger to take, "m'lady," he said with his tone in a joking manner.

The brunet giggled even more, "why thank you, dear sir," he said taking the offer gripping on the elder's bicep as they walked down the staircase.

"What took so long?" Jaemin asked once they met up on the front door glancing at his watch while Heejin was a few steps away from him.

Jeno swallowed dryly, "I'm sorry Mr. Na, I–I was a little slow," he said bowing at the pure alpha to make sure his apology is proper.

"Took 20 minutes to look like that?" Heejin said scanning him up and down with a judgmental tone. "Could've done better honestly," she rolled her eyes.

The brunet frowned feeling more insecure and tense while Jaemin clicked his tongue, "he looks great," he said earning a glare from his wife.

"He looks horrible," the lady remarks back as her husband rolled his eyes at her. They've been at it again and this morning was the start of it, like always.

"That's what you think," he said before looking back towards the omega, "now, shall we?" He said earning a small nod from the boy.

"Take care of Talia while I drive them to the party, got it?" Doyoung said sternly as he looks at his husband who was carrying the little girl.

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