𖠌 Chapter One

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Trigger warning: abuse and harsh words


Jeno was in his room reading a book as he had an ice pack on his head to numb the pain from the bruise his dad gave him just a few moments ago.

The door of his bedroom suddenly opened making him jolt up and tremble when he saw his mom barging in.

The woman stomps over to him grabbing his legs making him scream by both of being terrified of his mom and also from the wounds and bruises on his legs.

"Shut up you brat!" His mom yelled at him dragging him down the stairs as he screamed in agony feeling new bruises forming while the current ones grew bigger and the wounds started bleeding again.

His mom throws him on the floor in front of the couch as she sat down by her husband. "Look at us you piece of shit," she spat.

Jeno shook as he slowly looked up and winced at the bruise on his cheek when he was dragged down the staircase.

His dad scoffed, "we'll keep this short and simple because I don't like to look at you," he said.

"We sold you to a pure alpha, his name his Na Jaemin. We don't know why he wanted to purchase a shitty omega like you but he did, he's giving us a big amount and will be owning you from now on," his mom said.

Jeno widens his eyes, he's been sold? Like an item? To a stanger who's name is Na Jaemin? What the fuck. He's a pure alpha too, which only makes him shiver. Pure alphas are the strongest and more vicious even than a regular alpha.

They have more strength, powerful and stronger scents, they know more and are very scary, they have the shortest tempers too which only adds on to his list.

"Go back up and pack all of your things, he'll be here tomorrow morning and will take you to who knows where. Good thing we don't have to see your pathetic self ever again." His dad said.

The words sting like a bee to Jeno's heart, the stings and throbs of pain from his bruises and wounds are like a sting from being electrocuted. He doesn't know which is better.

His mom glared at him when he didn't move, it's not like he could easily lift himself up. She grabbed a fistful of his hair making him wince as she growled.

His mom is a beta, his dad is an alpha. Although his mom maybe a beta, she's still really strong compared to him, who's an omega.

His older brother Mark, or birth name Minhyung, went to the states after he successfully graduated college as a police officer.

Mark loved Jeno, he treated him more likely his child than his brother, he would cook him meals, give him gifts, visit him when he's free from college, and more.

Jeno dropped out of school when he was about to go to Junior year, his parents got bored and said he was a waste of their savings.

Mark was the favorite child, or what Jeno liked to prefer was the "lucky child" as he never gotten in trouble or was always treated better.

The first son was an alpha after all, of course their parents adored him. They really didn't like omegas, they think they're weak and useless, only used as a sex toy and nothing else.

That's why when Jeno presented as an omega, their parents treated him badly and would get physical every time.

Mark knew obviously, he always noticed the red flags whenever he's home from college.

He noticed the bruises and scars on his baby brother's soft skin, he noticed how shaken and terrified the omega was around alphas and betas, he noticed how Jeno always got terrified at almost anything that has to do with the other two secondary genders.

He also doesn't ignore the screaming and crying every night around the house, the sounds of yelling and slapping, the sounds of objects being thrown and the door being shut.

Mark never lets Jeno go through those things whenever he's home, he never liked to leave Jeno out of sight. It always made him anxious about what could happen if the omega was alone.

He couldn't call the police, they won't do anything anyway, their dad is a lawyer and their mom is a doctor. Two successful parents who treats their second son like trash.

Parents who treated their son like trash, who was an omega, which is the most fragile and secondly important part of the pack, obviously the first one is the alpha.

Omegas have a higher chance of getting pregnant in any gender they are than an alpha or a beta, they have more needs and are more fragile.

That's why they're the second important role in the pack, they keep the pack together like glue. Without an omega, it's hard to find a mate.

But people around has forgotten that thought and society was shit.

They started treating omegas like prostitutes, sex toys and items like nothing more. They sell them to horny bastards for the rest of their lives until they get pregnant.

Jeno was one of those people right now, who's scared as fuck towards the other secondary genders. Hearing his mom say "pure alpha" was like he was going to jail, which probably feels like it he assumed.

He wished Mark was here, to be by his side and hold him tight.

Mark did his best to protect Jeno whenever he could, until the time came when he was promoted to work at the states and leave his baby brother there.

He didn't want to of course, Jeno insisted he should follow his goals in life and how he was just a burden on his way which he protested at.

His parents successfully forced him to leave Korea and work at America instead, leaving his brother alone with such vicious wolves he has ever met.

He promised to find a way to get him out of there, even if it takes awhile. Mark has never broken a promise, not to Jeno atleast.

So if someone asked him if Mark had broke that promise and ditched him, he wouldn't believe it and will say "he's doing his best and finding a way."

Sure it has been more than a year since Mark left to America for his huge job, but Jeno knows he's trying to fix this and will never forget his own brother.

That's one of the reasons why Mark chose to be a police officer, to actually do the job right and serve what is right.

Jeno wanted to be a nurse or a doctor so he could help everyone in need and will do anything that he can to treat them well, but it's a shame his parents obviously didn't let that happen.

He flinched when his dad slapped him on the cheek, "didn't you hear us?! Go to your room and pack your stuff! Get out of our sight!" He screamed.

Jeno bit his lip trying to hold back the water works, he shouldn't cry in front of his parents, it will show even more how weak he is. He knew that since the beginning.

He stumbles to his feet and nodded before rushing up stairs to pack his things and sleeping on his bed, in his house for the last time before he leaves.

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