𖠌 Chapter Sixteen

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"What happened?" Doyoung asked barging in the living room resulting the omega to almost burn his hand on the pan from the sudden presence.

"What do you mean?" Jeno asked tilting his head to the side genuinely confused as he turned the stove down a bit.

Natalia was at the garden playing in her little playground set while her babysitter had his eyes on her every few minutes just to make sure she's okay.

The beta groaned, "curse you for looking so innocent–" he grumbled before taking a seat at one of the chairs.

Huffing he looks at the younger and continued, "at the party last week, something happened alright. I saw your face in the car, or was it because someone farted? If it's the latter then it's not me."

Jeno rolled his eyes at the elder, "no one farted," he snorts finding the beta's words ridiculous. "Anyways, where's Jaehyun hyung?" He asked.

Doyoung scoffed at the mention of his husband, "that dumbass is at work after two months of being on break. Surely he won't do something stupid again, I might use his gun to shoot him instead."

The omega widened his eyes looking at the elder in horror, petrified at his sudden mood and violent words.

Seeing how the younger looked scared, he immediately shook his head in protest, "wait– not like that! Not literally– it's just a phrase, don't mind me."

Jeno gulped and nodded turning around to check if the food he prepared is burnt or not, which it isn't to his luck.

"Hey! Don't change the topic dammit!" Doyoung exclaimed looking upset and betrayed. "Now tell me, what happened at that party?"

The brunet pursed his lips knowing well he can't lie or escape this topic anytime, Doyoung will know, Jaehyun will know, everyone will know.

It's simple really, how his and Jaemin's (weird enough unconfirmed) relationship suddenly got too comforting and close.

The pure alpha seemed to have his attention on him almost all the time, his words are not that strict, he would call for the omega at weird times too.

His hands rests on Jeno's body, most likely on his hip, waist and lower back, for suspiciously too long or when they're close.

Same hands will hold Jeno suddenly close when the boy is beside him to keep company or whatever he asked for whenever he's home for the day.

He leans in to whisper something that would make the younger flush in red and nod quietly.

Same distance he would do whenever they're alone in a room. Maybe even closer.

His eyes would stare and focus on said omega with something in his gaze that Doyoung and Jaehyun could easily describe.

Same eyes will glare if Heejin would say some remarks towards the omega, as if giving a warning before they would start arguing again.

In short, there's a very close and suspicious bond between Jaemin and Jeno.

Obviously being a protective man and mother figure to the omega, Doyoung had noticed and observed them. It's no surprise he would be suspicious.

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