𖠌 Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Entering the living room after the sweet proposal by Jaemin in the kitchen, Natalia was sitting on the couch kicking her legs impatiently.

The two adults could only laugh as the pure alpha had his hand on Jeno's lower back while they headed to take a seat on the couch.

"Why is puppy's tummy growing big?" Natalia asked tilting her head while points at Jeno's baby bump.

Jaemin tsked and couldn't help but scold her, "don't point like that with your accusing finger, Talia." He said making his daughter nod obediently and mumbling an apology.

Jeno chuckled lightly and held Jaemin's hand that was now wrapped around his shoulder and entwines them with a smile.

Since Natalia really couldn't wait any longer, she drawls out an impatient whine and lightly punched the pillow beside her.

With a small huff, Jaemin glances at the omega beside him earning a reassuring nod before beckoning Natalia to come over with his hand.

Of course the little girl jumped on her small feet and runs up in front of her father and leans one of her ears as Jaemin leans forward and whispers some incoherent words.

When the pink haired boy leans back as him and Jeno observed patiently yet nervously on Natalia's reaction. They didn't have to wait long before the little girl squealed.

"I'm gonna be a big sissy?" She asked with hope in her eyes while she stares at them excitedly.

Jaemin nodded with a grin while Jeno giggled as he tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear, "indeed you will, pumpkin. Are you happy?" He asked with his voice trying to hide the anxiousness behind it.

Natalia nodded again, "yeah, yeah yeah! I'm gonna be a big sissy!" She squealed as she jumped up and down.

Of course that was the whole reason of Jeno's sudden weight change, routine change, mood and crave change, basically he changed a lot in an odd way.

No wonder she wasn't that confused and couldn't think of another answer or assumption on the situation.

It's all thanks to Doyoung for sharing more about life towards a 5-6 year old. He was watching a few random videos and documentaries, calm down a bit.

She just brushed things off, that's all.

But right now, she couldn't help but hug her father and the brunet omega tightly around their necks as the doorbell rang.

The front door was opened and the sound of it getting closed shut again made the pure alpha sigh in relief realizing it's not some intruder. Or worst, Heejin coming home early.

"I brought food," Doyoung calls out as he turns around the corner to face the sweet moment and halts at the entrance. "Oh sorry, was I supposed to enter later?" He scratched his nape.

"Oh no, no. You're good hyung." Jeno waves off with a kind smile as he turns to Natalia, "why don't you go help Doyoung on making some snacks? Didn't you want to learn more on cooking?"

Without a second thought, Doyoung was approached by an excited and running Natalia grabbing his wrist before leading them into the kitchen.

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