𖠌 Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Jeno's stay in the hospital was long, yet time seemed to have passed by quickly than what they have expected.

It wasn't long after in the time being of his stay, Doyoung had shared the news to Jaehyun and Mark (with Jeno's approval, of course) and the two alphas were devastated at the news.

It took for them the next day to finally tell Natalia what had happened, Jeno decided it was best to tell her rather than lie to her. He didn't want that.

Besides, he knows how much Natalia has grown day by day, he knows how Natalia is smarter than what people would think.

And he was right.

Because as soon as Jaemin took it upon himself and just tell her when it was just the three of them in the room, Natalia only wiped her tearful eyes before hugging Jeno tightly.

She didn't burst out crying, she restrained herself and thought to be mature. Not whine or blame someone random, she knows Jeno is as sad as they are.

Having to lose a child in your belly without expecting it, having to lose a life inside you, especially when you weren't ever planning on it and was actually wanting to raise the child properly.

They both asked if she was upset or anything of that sort. The little girl only nodded stiffly but then added to her reply with, "I'm not going to cry."

"Why?" Jaemin asks his daughter, brushing the hair away that had gotten on her face.

"Because, puppy Jeno has it worst. I'm just glad he's okay."

Her words made Jeno tear up and pulled her back into his arms for a hug, kissing the top of her head as he cried as silently as he could.

Jaemin not long after, joined the hug, surrounding his arms around the two and squeezed their shoulders comfortingly. Placing a kiss on their heads as he rests his cheek against Jeno's crown.

That was almost a week ago. Now they're back in the Na residence.

It was almost as if they had gotten back from war, everyone didn't know what else to say, they were silent and had their eyes fixed on Jeno the whole time.

The omega was still traumatized, he couldn't help but just get flashbacks from what he'd experienced that had lead for his baby to pass away.

They all know it, they all saw it, and they all pity for it.

The way Jeno just couldn't stop caressing his stomach, eating the same diet he ate when he was still pregnant, softly whispering words to his stomach like he would do to communicate with his baby.

It was all in instinct, and the doctor even confirmed that it was a normal state, like an aftershock. But that doesn't mean they should let it all slide and leave him alone.

Doyoung had gone to his research again, reading an article that it was in fact a common thing for those who are or were pregnant to go through this unfortunate events.

Especially when you don't have a mate yet, but to their luck, Jeno is mated. And for that, Jaemin takes action to take care for his omega.

But what was heartbreaking for them, especially for Jaemin since he dearly loves Jeno and he just couldn't bear seeing the brunet like this, was the times the boy was terrified.

Jeno couldn't go down or up the stairs without Jaemin right by his side. He couldn't be alone at most times.

He struggles, to just even go at the bottom or the top of the stairs, often staring at the steps and hearing a scream blaring through his ears.

Touching the railings felt like the last time he touched them, before a push was felt behind him, making him let go of the only thing he could hold onto at that moment where Jaemin wasn't around, and fell.

He just couldn't. He couldn't be brave at this moment.

What's more on Jaemin's concern is at night, where they're all sleeping, finally getting some rest.

But even at that time, Jeno couldn't sleep at some nights.

There were times where the brunet was awake, and just kept caressing his stomach as he sat up, back against the headboard while Jaemin was fast asleep before he woke up to either wee or get some water.

"Puppy..." The purebred alpha fades off, walking back in the bedroom from the bathroom as he saw the omega at it again.

"I miss him."

Sighing, Jaemin walks over to brush Jeno's messy bed hair, his bangs all floppy on his forehead. "I know," he whispers. "We all do."

"I haven't even seen him properly yet." Jeno said, his eyes trailing towards his flat stomach and bit his lip.

"We haven't even seen him, where we know who he looks like the most, who's eyes he had gotten, the lips, the smile, the laugh, the personality..." Fingertips just gently trailing on his skin.

"I know baby, I know..." Jaemin said, sitting back down and joining the omega at his now usual routine. At 4 am on a Sunday. Sundays are usually what's been called as "Family Day".

"It hurts seeing you like this," he whispers and wraps his arm around Jeno's shoulders, leading the brunet's head towards his chest to rest on.

The boy didn't protest, probably too tired and in his thoughts to say anything. "But I know it's scary, and just– overwhelming for you. For us."

Listening, the omega grabs his hand and leads it towards his stomach, letting both of their entwined hands rest on it.

They didn't feel a kick anymore.

"But I also know you're trying your best and I shouldn't pressure you to just get over it or shit." Jaemin continues, looking down to see Jeno nipping on his lip.

"But I also want you to remember, I'm always here for you." He said, reaching his free hand to run his fingers through the omega's brown hair.

"I love you."

A faint "I love you too." Was heard before the two of them had dozing off without even realizing it.

And they didn't realize the bedroom door opening, closing back again before a small body crawled up to the bed and joined them under the covers.

"I love you, Daddy and Puppy."

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