𖠌 Chapter Twenty-One

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"and here I am now, working for your family, taking care of Talia, doing what I can and what I'm supposed to do. Like every other omega out there," Jeno said in a mumble.

Jaemin sighed and took a moment of silence just processing what the brunet's life was, what he has gone through and suffered.

Fuck, if he hadn't saw the website and purchased Jeno, he doesn't even want to think about how the boy would be right now. In an even worse condition and lifestyle.

"Are you mad?" Jeno spoke up in a whisper, looking through his long lashes at Jaemin who was staring off whilst holding the omega close.

"What? No. Why would I be mad?" The pure alpha said appalled at the question and assumption from Jeno as he stared back at those beautiful eyes.

The brunet pursed his lips, "because I've been keeping secrets from you." He replied to his question nonetheless and reaches his fingers to play on the pink haired boy's shirt.

Jaemin shook his head and pressed his lips onto the boy's forehead, "of course not. Look, I've been an asshole for a while back then, and I will explain that. Yeah?" He asked.

With a nod from Jeno, Jaemin smiles and cleared his throat before starting. "My life was planned out for me, I did what I had to do for my parents. They choose what they want for them, not for me."

"My marriage with Heejin is most likely... Forced. Yes I did had an interest of her back then, but, I realized her intentions of being with me."

"And that is?"

"Money. Power. Everything she's ever wanted to do. Her dream, that's what she was planning. So, she agreed with the arrangements – not like we had a choice anyway but– she sided with my parents."

"When we got married, she was pregnant with Natalia. And then proceeded to try and take over what I have, tried to do some illegal business and took over mine, even tried to frame me for accusations and shit like that."

"We never got a divorce, I tried but... Her lawyers won against mine, she won against me. That's why we're still together, but no love is in our arrangement. We're using each other."

"How are you using her?"

"She's using me for money and power, obviously. While, I'm using her for Natalia's sake, to keep our family intact, even if it's not happy. Never was in the first place." Jaemin ended his story with a deep sigh.

Jeno frowns and moves in his place from Jaemin's hold as they laid down on the bed and leans in to kiss Jaemin's cheek.

"You're pretty brave, doing this for Natalia even her own mother is all high and mighty. Well, when she thinks she is." He smiled.

Jaemin chuckled and caresses Jeno's side, reaching his other hand up to cup the brunet's cheek until his eyes landed on something. "Shit."

"What?" The omega asked a bit startled from the sudden cuss word abruptly coming out of the pure alpha's mouth.


"Jaemin, tell me what's going on."

"You might want to check yourself in the mirror..."

Jeno then sat up abruptly and grabs his phone opening the camera roll, gasping when he saw it.

Fingers delicately touching the special and specific bite mark on his neck that he thought was accidental or a different type.


"Does it hurt? Shit wait–" the pink haired boy sat up too, leaning in to check the mark on Jeno's neck.

The omega pulls the elder's hands away from his shoulders and held them down onto their laps, "Jaemin... Why did you mark me?" He asked with his voice small.

Jaemin shuts his eyes close and took a deep breath before exhaling and opening his eyes to look at the omega who was shock yet a mixture of horror and happiness.

When he took a while to answer, Jeno let's out a whimper, even the small sound made Jaemin feel something breaking inside of him.

"Jaemin, w-why did you mark me?" The teary eyes from the brunet only added another crack inside of Jaemin.

"Because Jeno, I really like you!" The pink haired boy said out of frustration with his voice stern and a bit raised resulting the omega to flinch and tremble.

He sighed and tries to reach out for the younger, but Jeno gulped and moved back a little. "Jeno..."

"You're married Mr. Na! Even if I liked you back, even if this felt right, you're married! You have a wife, you have a kid, you have a family, you have a mate. I'm already too late for this." The brunet starts to sob.

Jaemin bit his lip before wrapping his arms around the omega and hugs him tight, letting Jeno nuzzle in to his chest. "I have to tell you something." He said once Jeno calms down a bit.

The brunet nodded as Jaemin heard a small hiccup, making him smile a little from the cute noise. Jeno was cute.

He leans back and gently lifts the brunet's chin up by his two fingers and huffs, "I'm not mated with anyone, pretty."

"H-huh?" Jeno said cutely with his eyes blinking hastily from Jaemin's news. He tilts his head confused and curious as the pure alpha cooed inside, "wh– but you and–"

"Pretty," Jaemin cuts off drawling the brunet's nickname, smiling proudly of the blush that creeps up on Jeno's cheeks. "Heejin and I are only married and had Natalia, but I never marked her or anyone else."

The pure alpha paused and brushes Jeno's hair behind his ear with a soft smile, "it's just you, and only you." He said with a chuckle.

"B-but... I don't get it..."

Jaemin snorts at the younger's words, finding it amusing and cute on how Jeno can be perse... Innocent, when confused and curious. Not like he's blaming though.

"I've learned a lot in my life, my family taught me many things. And one of those is to save your chance and take the opportunity later on, mayhaps a better one." He stated.

He pecks Jeno's nose lovingly making both of them smile, the blush on the brunet's cheeks darken. Making it more endearing for Jaemin.

"And here I am now," Jaemin drawls the same words Jeno had just said a moment ago earning a giggle from said boy.

"Using my chance and took my opportunity, I claimed you as mine instead of Heejin since I don't love her, but you." He starts as his eyes darken with a look of...possessiveness. But Jeno only found it admiring and hot.

"Before anyone else could. And I don't regret it."

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