𖠌 Chapter Ten

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Maybe Jeno underestimated about how "quick" they'll be in the store to buy his things for his bedroom. They've been in the store for almost two hours.

He should've expected that they'll take a while considering how Doyoung can be, the beta has been trying to spoil him all day.

Jaehyun looked a bit bored since they were looking things for Jeno, another reason is because he wasn't allowed to suggest anything or help them to make it faster.

Doyoung claimed it was because the last time they went shopping together, Jaehyun mostly bought things for himself while his beta lover bought things for the both of them. Guess you already know Doyoung had been sulking a lot that week.

Natalia was surprisingly behaved, she didn't bother to ask Jeno if they could buy her something that had intrigued her. She just followed them around holding the babysitter's hand as she also gave her opinions of the stuff they chose.

It's not like Natalia doesn't want a toy, or something that she wants. It's just that she stopped asking after her parents barely acknowledge what she actually wants, they just buy anything that could distract her.

Another thing was because the last time Natalia left to go shopping with someone was when Heejin scolded her for being too "embarrassing".

That time, the daughter of the workaholic married couple was just bubbly and excited as she had just went through her first day of school. Obviously she thought she would earn a prize, but instead got in trouble.

Jeno picks Natalia up in his arms as they walk back to Mr. Na's car– since Doyoung came with them and he's the personal driver– with the beta and alpha couple bickering in front of them.

"I told you the light colors suits Jeno better! Why won't you ever listen to me huh?!" Doyoung tsked smacking the back of his lover's head.

Jaehyun only sighed with a smile, "you're so cute when you're being bossy," he chuckled only earning a huff in return. Though he saw the faint pink color blooming on Doyoung's cheeks.

"Did you have fun pumpkin?" Jeno asked getting in the car and buckling up Natalia's seatbelt for her as she hummed at his question.

The omega chuckled, "tired Talia?" He cooed pinching the little girl's cheek lovingly watching her eyes starting to get droopy.

Natalia nodded yawning as she curled up in to her babysitter's side, feeling tiredness in her body and finally falling asleep with her eyes shut closed.

Jeno smiles at her sleeping state, cuddling her into his arms while patting her thigh in a rhythm to help her sleep better ignoring Jaehyun and Doyoung's nonstop fighting and flirting at the front of the car.

The beta was yelling and complaining about whatever it was that was bothering him, whether it was Jaehyun's fault or not.

Meanwhile, the alpha drove the car this time, smiling at his lover's annoyed face earning a glare to which he would tease and flirt back at.

Even though Natalia wasn't the stereotypical kid in a random store who will most likely be the cause of their parent's or guardian's distress,  she still got tired.

Why? They've been walking around in the store for almost two hours and her tiny little legs couldn't always keep up compared to the long muscular ones from the adults with her.

Jeno insisted to pick her up and carry her around for the meantime since there has seem to be no more shopping carts left for them to use.

Alas, Natalia said no and followed them the whole time on her legs, of course Jeno asked for a break every few minutes, worried about his boss' daughter.

Speaking of Natalia's father, the omega is starting to get anxious and worry what will be waiting for him once they get back to the Na residence.

He for sure thinks he will get a scolding for his so called "be quick at the store" words. Especially the fact that Natalia came with them.

As if arriving at your school on your first day, Jeno wanted to leave towards somewhere else fearing what Jaemin will do or say to him once he steps inside.

But Doyoung seems to have predicted this happening as he gently grabs Jeno's arm carrying one bag while Jaehyun was carrying the other ones, leading them to the front door.

"Where have you guys been?" Was what Jaemin had asked first strictly when he comes across his daughter and workers in the foyer of his house.

"The store, duh," Doyoung said lifting the shopping bags up a bit to motion the obvious clues.

The beta has been working for Jaemin for years, seemingly having a close bond with the pink haired pure alpha at some of the times.

Thus, Jaemin didn't seemed bothered at his personal driver's tone towards him at all. Already somewhat used to it even though it can be annoying sometimes.

"I know that, but what I mean is what took you guys so long?" He asked again walking in the living room grabbing the remote control for the television and turning the volume down.

"Didn't pay attention to the time, my fault by the way. Don't scold Jeno now," Doyoung clicked his tongue turning protective towards the omega.

The said brunet boy was shaking in the inside, forgotten how strong Jaemin's scent is considering they've been in the store for almost two hours surrounded by various types of smell.

However, he didn't make his fearfulness obvious even though Jaemin's strong strictly gaze lingered on him. Feeling a shiver creep up to his spine.

"Atleast you went back before I could call the police," the pure alpha stated rolling up his sleeves and standing up straight.

Doyoung scoffed, "whatever, I'm not that irresponsible. Plus, we'll be heading upstairs now to start decorating Jeno's room thanks to me." He sassed with a smirk.

Jaehyun snorts at his lover who headed upstairs to the second floor first, "he chose everything," he comments earning a laugh from Jaemin.

The pure alpha then looks at his daughter who was sleeping soundly in Jeno's arms, it somehow looked natural as if she was supposed to be there.

"I'll tuck her in to bed and wake her up later when dinner is ready Mr. Na," Jeno said softly caressing Natalia's hair gently.

Jaemin hums watching the babysitter carry his daughter to her bedroom as Jaehyun wiggled his eyebrows, "what?" He snaps.

"Nothing," the alpha giggled before shrugging his shoulders, "I know that look Jaem," he teased wiggling his brows again earning a weird look. He must've looked stupid.

"I don't know what you're talking about, and I don't like him like that," the pink haired huffed sitting down on the couch grabbing the remote control.

Jaehyun rolled his eyes, "I didn't say you like him," he comments before grinning. "But thanks for sharing," he said and rushes upstairs ignoring Jaemin's annoyed call.

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