𖠌 Chapter Eighteen

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*•.¸♡ Double update♡¸.•*


Jeno was cleaning the garden finishing up a few more things as he wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"Puppy?" A small voice called making him turn around to see Natalia approaching him with a teddy bear in hand.

He smiles at the little girl and crouches down to meet her eye level, "hi pumpkin, what brings you here hm?" He hums fixing the ribbon on her hair.

Natalia shrugged, "can we watch a movie together?" She asked looking away shyly from the elder.

She was actually watching her babysitter cleaning the garden doing all the hardwork alone underneath the scorching sun from the door.

It was somewhere around 3 to 4 pm and she didn't really have anything to do since no one was there to entertain her.

Doyoung was with Heejin driving her around to her errands and at hers and Jaemin's workplace back and forth considering the lady's busy schedule.

Jaemin was– well Jaemin was in his small office in the house doing more work even though it was his day off, like he always.

So obviously Natalia wanted to play, she wanted to play with someone. And which better person to ask other than her babysitter? That's right, none.

Jeno was the only person she's always wanted to be around with, Jaemin was usually in his office or attention at his laptop while Heejin was either not home or Natalia just didn't want to be with her mother.

She found the omega as her motherly or parental figure. The boy always made time for her even though he had more chores to do and will possibly get in trouble.

But was that a problem though? Of course not, Jeno's number one priority is Natalia. He doesn't really mind if he's being interrupted or Heejin will scold him. As long as Natalia was fine, he was fine too.

"Of course Talia, let me clean this mess up quickly okay? Go ahead inside and pick out a movie," Jeno replied softly.

The little girl beams before gripping the hem of his shirt, "let me help puppy," she insisted before helping Jeno on the tools.

The brunet smiled at her and answered the random questions she wondered about the tools and all.

Once they finished, they head inside as Jeno prepares the couch for them, "puppy?" Natalia called from sitting on the floor trying to choose a movie to watch.

"Yes baby?" Jeno hums answering her like always.

"Can you ask daddy to join us too?" She said mumbling, "I tried asking him earlier, but he said he was busy. Again." She continued with a frown on her face.

The omega turns around and looks at her with pity, he nodded with a small smile before pecking her crown. "Alright, I can try asking if your father wants to join us," he said.

Natalia beams and claps her hands getting excited with high hopes Jaemin will accept Jeno's invite on their little movie session.

It's been awhile since Jaemin and Heejin had a proper family bond with Natalia, not even a small movie night or small meal together like what she saw with her classmates and their families.

She once asked Doyoung about it when the man had time before and was watching her as he wasn't that busy at that time.

Doyoung answered truthfully that families aren't supposed to be like that, a happy family is where every member is happy and safe.

He also told her that families make time for each other when they can, and they always have a mean or promise in their words.

Natalia learned that her parents aren't really– role models. She learned her family isn't as happy and healthy as she thought it was. She learned her family is– well a bit broken.

Sure she's not supposed to learn these things in her age like the other kids are, but sometimes it's better to know early than later.

Jeno walks to the office and knocks, he waits patiently until hearing a "come in" from the other side giving him permission.

He opens the door seeing Jaemin focused on his laptop like always, typing with his fingers fast, a mug nearby and his posture straight.

The sight made him sigh a bit, he carefully walks over and cleared his throat not wanting to be rude, "u-uhm, Jaemin?" He calls shyly.

The said boy hummed still eyes on the screen focusing on the words he typed in, "yes pretty?" He answered glancing just a second before turning back to his work.

Jeno pursed his lips before thinking of something, he can't just tell Jaemin on his request if the elder isn't even listening to him.

He grabs the pure alpha's hand and walks closer closing the laptop gently holding in a breath hoping the action wouldn't make the elder angry.

To his relief, Jaemin only lets him as he now has his attention on the omega. "I would like for you to join Natalia and I on our movie time, please."

"I will, I just need to finish this up first," the elder said gently bringing the omega to his side pressing his lips on the boy's hand.

Jeno sighed, "do that later please, come on. Natalia is waiting for you," he pleaded trying to suck up the overthinking of Jaemin lashing out from him talking again.

He's still not used to it, alphas and betas still scare him. Even if Doyoung, Jaehyun and Jaemin are somewhat nice to him, he can't get over that feeling of anxiety.

Flashbacks and Nightmares are the same, he gets them til this day. The faces of his parents and the loud tone of their voices whenever he did something is terrifying.

But he can't help it, he wants to get rid of it of course. The feeling of sudden fear even with Doyoung and the others makes him feel guilty. He feels like he's being fake or he's a bad friend. All because of fear.

"Just for today," Jeno added seeing how Jaemin went silent pondering in thought and pursing his lips. "For me?" He said with his cheeks heating up.

The elder chuckled and stood up fixing his shirt and lifting the brunet's chin with his finger, "I guess I can make some time," he mumbled.

The younger smiled at him shyly before leading him out of his office clearing his throat as he helps Natalia who was having a hard time to pick a movie.

He didn't notice the soft gaze Jaemin had on them.

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