𖠌 Chapter Eight

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Jeno had a smile etched on his face hearing Natalia's giggle from the living room as she was watching a cartoon show on the television.

The omega was cutting some meat to add them in the soup he was preparing for his first dinner with his boss and the latter's family.

He wanted everything to be good enough to present for the married couple even though he still felt like he could do better.

Since the incident this morning, he got even more scared and felt like he was still back at home, only this time he wasn't hit so far. Not yet anyways.

He bets he would get his first hit in a few days or so, maybe even tomorrow but that's a thought.

He also bets his first hit would be a slap or being gripped on the hair tightly while getting screamed at on his face.

"Smells good, what soup are we having?" Jaehyun, Doyoung's american husband who was also an alpha, asked walking in the kitchen.

The man with a handsome face that also contains dimples as one of his best charms, came over after Jeno and Natalia had breakfast.

Although Jaehyun was an alpha, something in him made Jeno atleast trust him enough to go near him, Doyoung's reassuring words also helped on the process.

The dimpled face man wasn't a pure alpha though, so even if he's older than Jaemin, he's not as stronger as the pink haired who was a lucky pure alpha.

Jaehyun had spend his day with Jeno and Natalia, helping the omega taking care of the little girl while also teaching him some english words and proper grammar whilst doing so.

The two had grew a bond, like an older brother and younger brother type of bond. Jeno still had to learn more about Jaehyun though, but that didn't made the latter like him any less as it was understandable.

Doyoung had shared some stories and information about Jeno since the first meeting, also had a bit of assumption that the pretty brunet omega had a traumatic life experience back at home.

Because of that, Jaehyun atleast knew to be careful and also gentle when it comes to Jeno. He yet again knew that his lover had self claimed Jeno as his adopted son, so obviously he doesn't want to sleep at the backyard tonight.

Although, he thinks there's a chance he'd still end up at the grassy backyard with all those bugs around if Doyoung gets jealous between his husband and "son's" close bond.

Jeno hums continuing cutting small pieces of the meat carefully as he also kept an eye on the boiling pot that was on the stove.

"Sinigang soup," he answered Jaehyun's question. "I picked it on the recipe book, is that okay for you?" He asked gathering the meat pieces before pouring them all in the soup.

"I'm okay with anything, I just want food," Jaehyun comments shrugging his shoulders resulting a laugh from Jeno.

"Well I hope it's good enough, I tried to make it tasty, it has been quite a while now since I've made this dish." The omega said sniffing out the soup that he's preparing.

The alpha smiled with his dimples showing, he walks over and sniffs the fresh traditional soup from the Philippines that is now finished.

Jeno turns the stove off and takes a spoon out taking a dip in before nudging it towards Jaehyun, he blows on it and had an anxious look. "Be honest please," he mumbled.

The elder laughed and nodded as he takes a sip, he smacks his lips together enjoying the sour yet addicting taste. "It's good, like really good," he comments.

Jeno smiles shyly thanking him in a mumble before preparing the table and the bowl for the soup as they waited for the married couple to return.

A few minutes later the main door opened as Natalia was already on her seat, "we're home!" Jaemin's voice echoes through the hallways.

The pure alpha and his wife enters together with their work clothes on and Doyoung behind them carrying their bags.

Jeno immediately stood up and rushes to the beta's side taking the heavy loads off of his hands, "I'll take it hyung," he offered.

Doyoung pursed his lips and sighed, "you can take this one, it's lighter okay?" He said gently giving Jaemin's briefcase to the younger.

The omega takes it and beelines towards one of the rooms, which is Jaemin's small office, and places the bag there.

He then walks back seeing the pure alpha taking off his tie and coat, not wanting to get in trouble, Jeno rushes towards the elder and takes the items for him.

"Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Na, welcome back," he said stuttering a little bit while hanging the coat on it's racket nearby.

"You should have greeted once we entered Jeno-ssi, also raise your voice up a bit, I can't hear you from here." Jaemin lightly scolds him pecking Natalia's forehead.

The brunet nodded obediently, blaming himself inwardly for his coward behavior.

"What are we having for dinner?" Heejin asked placing her phone back in her small purse as she kissed her daughter's cheek who just slumped her shoulders.

Doyoung and Jaehyun usually have dinner with the family of three when they can, especially when they have time. But if it's really late in the evening, mostly pass 6 o clock, then they'd excuse themselves to head home.

The beta and alpha couple sat down on one of the chairs as Jeno followed soon after, confused when Natalia gave him a pout.

"Jeno made Sinigang soup for us tonight, it's a traditional dish in the Philippines and all I have to say is, can we please eat now?" Jaehyun said earning a glare from his lover and a laugh from Jeno.

Jaemin hums examining the soup on his bowl as he took a sniff, "well it smells good," he compliments earning a slight blush from the maid.

Heejin scoffed and rolled her eyes, "it probably tastes bad," she muttered resulting Jeno to frown as Doyoung was clenching his fist underneath the table.

"Mommy, daddy, I tasted it before you got back. And it was so good! Puppy is a good chef, I want puppy to teach me next time!" Natalia exclaimed happily.

Jeno smiles shyly at Natalia as the little girl was beaming when the slightest topic of her babysitter was brought up.

"I see," Jaemin hums in acknowledgement. "Let's dig in then everyone," the pure alpha said making Jaehyun cheer excitedly.

 "Let's dig in then everyone," the pure alpha said making Jaehyun cheer excitedly

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