𖠌 Chapter Five

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Jeno crouches down and gave a gentle smile towards the little girl, eye smile on display on his pretty face.

He glances at Doyoung for some help remembering that there was a language barrier between them.

The driver smiled with his own gummy one as he looks at their boss's daughter, "Talia, this is Jeno hyung. He is your new friend and babysitter," he introduced in english.

Natalia tilts her head to the side as Jaemin places her back on foot on the ground, "is he friendly?" She asked scanning Jeno's frame as if he's some wild animal on the loose.

Doyoung chuckled, "very friendly sweetie," he answered as the brunet was still crouching down with his eye smile showing off even though he didn't understand what they were saying.

Jaemin pats his daughter's head, "he won't hurt you Talia, he's your new friend okay?" He said while glancing at the omega.

Natalia nodded and slowly approaches Jeno as she was playing with the ribbon on her messy dress. "Hello," she greets.

The omega chuckled softly as Doyoung knelt down whispering some words for him to reply back in english, "hi Talia," he said with difficulty.

The little girl turns back to her dad who was sitting on his chair watching them interact. "Daddy, why can't Mr. Jeno speak properly?" She asked curiously.

Jaemin sighed, "he's still learning English Talia, he won't understand and talk all the time okay? Be nice and understanding sweetie," he said sweetly.

Natalia nodded with her hair bouncing off as she turns back to her new babysitter, "can we play after I take a bath?" She asked.

Doyoung translates her words to Jeno who nodded along before giggling, "yes," he said with a lisp that made Natalia giggle and smile brightly.

The little girl turns back again as her mom was just busy on a phone call outside, "daddy, he's cute!" She squealed while Doyoung translates it to Jeno again making the latter blush.

The pure alpha hummed before coughing randomly as he turns back to his work on his laptop, "go ahead and take a bath Talia, that way you can play again with Jeno," he said.

The little girl nodded as she suddenly took Jeno's fingers on her small palm before dragging the omega upstairs to her room.

Once they got in, Doyoung helps Jeno with a few things like where Natalia's stuff are located, what she needs, what her schedule is, and basically some of the things Jaemin didn't inform him of.

The brunet took a mental note on everything before walking over to Natalia's closet and picked a cute outfit for her to wear that was appropriate for playtime.

Soon after that, he follows Natalia inside her bathroom that had a bathtub in it as Doyoung starts the water while Jeno helps the little girl get ready.

The omega then asks Doyoung if he could translate his words for the little girl so she could understand, "does she want the flower scented shampoo or the milk one?" He said.

Doyoung translates it as Natalia was playing with the rubber ducky, she nodded and pointed at the big white and blue bottle with a smile, "milk!"

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