𖠌 Chapter Thirty-One

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My head hurts rn so idk what I wrote....

But yeah, this is shit and I feel bad because it's bad, y'know? Lmao.


Jeno was getting ready in his respective bedroom, brushing his hair and grabbing his needed things for the day.

A knock was heard as he was about to coincidentally open the door, making him chuckle lightly. He turns the doorknob and opens the door to see Doyoung waiting for him.

"Oh, thank God you're done." The beta sighed in relief, stepping aside to give some space for Jeno.

Raising an eyebrow, the pregnant omega asked. "Why? Did I take too long? I'm sorry, I was being too careful in the bath, just to make sure the baby is okay." He admits with a pout.

The elder laughed in delight, reaching to pinch the younger's cheek softly, yet still earned a small whine. "You're so cute, ah, I'm sure your baby will be just like you." He comments.

Jeno huffs with his cheeks turning pink from embarrassment instead of the small affectionate pinch he received just a moment ago.

"Why did you come up here, again? I thought you and Mark hyung were waiting downstairs? Or was it because I really did took too long?" He rambled.

Once again, his mini crisis made Doyoung snort. Not in a mocking way, but because of his pregnancy and his sudden mood swings, Jeno somehow found it as a negative reaction.

"It's not funny. I'm sorry I took my time to be damn careful with my baby," he grumbled as they reached the top of the stairs.

Noticing the change of his mood, Doyoung luckily understood and placed a hand on the younger's shoulder before they continued to walk down.

"Sorry," he apologized briefly because he knows there's a 60% chance Jeno would rant again if he elaborated his apology.

He learned after the young pregnant omega did just that towards his older brother, Jaehyun, and almost Jaemin as well.

Mark suffered of it because he apologized for not cleaning the dishes and he couldn't stop saying 'sorry', and that made Jeno annoyed in a way.

Jaehyun apologized for messing up the kitchen and almost left Natalia injured in the backyard after tripping on a rock. He took exactly 10 minutes later to apologize and Jeno found it stupid and ridiculous.

Doyoung could agree.

And lastly, Jaemin only almost had gone through that because he apparently was paying too much attention in his phonecall with Renjun about the court situation, and Jeno, as he said and I quote:

"just needed my damn purebred strong, handsome, and protective alpha to cuddle with me."

Jaemin had immediately excused himself politely, to which the other alpha-omega thankfully understood because he needed some rest anyways with this case, before engulfing the sulking brunet in his arms.

Now after witnessing and learning about those incidents, Doyoung didn't suffer. "That's because I have atleast a braincell unlike those fuckers." Is what he would answer if anyone asked.

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