𖠌 Chapter Nine

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Jeno sighed tossing and turning on his bed unable to feel comfortable to even take a nap. It's been months and he has to be honest, it would've been great if he could actually feel comfortable in his own room.

Months of his job, Jaemin still didn't really let them– or well, him– out of the house unless he has to go do groceries.

It's not like Jaemin doesn't care, it's just that he doesn't understand how it's actually important to make the omega's room comfortable for them.

Doyoung was trying to explain it to their boss, but the alpha is a busy man. Usually doing paperwork, on his laptop, on his phone, still at his workplace, or mayhaps sleeping in if he has time. Which is rare.

Heejin seemed to be unpleasant with Jeno, mostly glaring at him, scolding him, giving negative comments, basically just ruining not only his mood, but also Natalia's.

The omega didn't complain though, didn't fight back nor said anything about it. Whenever Jaehyun or Doyoung mentions it, he would answer "I'm just a bad boy, I'll work harder."

Jeno huffs and sits up, glancing at the time seeing it as 1 o clock in the morning. Great, now he's going to get scolded again.

Because of the lack of sleep and comfort in his own bedroom, Jeno wasn't really on his right mind.

He felt sort of lost and couldn't find a safe place. He couldn't even plan out where he can build his nest as he saw the calendar.

Although he was in a few heats these past few months, the married couple didn't really care since he would take some medicines for his heat and so the scent isn't that strong.

Of course his friends, Doyoung and Jaehyun, noticed. Especially the dimpled face man who was an alpha and had really good sense of smell.

Jaehyun wasn't a threat though, he could actually control himself and knew how to act towards Jeno. Well, he should know since Doyoung would probably kill him if he did something.

However, it seems like having your heat isn't a reasonable excuse.

Jeno once mentioned he didn't feel well and he thinks his heat is coming near while giving out obvious signs in his behavior.

Unfortunately, Heejin made some remarks while Jaemin just told him to suck it up or take his medicines. Which he did. And gotta tell you, it was painful.

Thus, here Lee Jeno is now, mopping the mess on the floor that he made when he was trying to make Jaemin's morning coffee while Heejin was already at work early in the morning.

"You missed a spot," The pure alpha said pointing his fork at the direction on the floor where there was brown liquid that hasn't been cleaned up yet as Natalia was busy eating.

"Sorry Mr. Na," the omega mumbled dragging the mop towards the spot and cleans the mess up.

Jaemin just hummed chewing his food before swallowing it, "care to tell me why you look like you haven't gotten any sleep?" He said picking up another piece of his meal.

"Because he hasn't," a voice echoed and in enters Doyoung with his husband right behind him who was carrying his backpack.

"Oh?" The pink haired man mumbled, "why's that?" He asked dumbfounded earning an eye roll from his personal driver while his daughter was just looking between him and Jeno.

The beta in the room clicked his tongue, "I've tried explaining it to you but like you would listen," he retorts walking towards his "son" and takes the mop away from his grasp.

"Then why not explain now, it's my day off," Jaemin shrugged sipping his half poured coffee.

Of course, that's why the pure alpha was with them this morning. It's his day off and surprisingly, he made an appearance at breakfast joining his daughter who looked happy yet also still sulking.

It's pretty understand for Jeno's point of view, the little girl's parents are workaholics and they barely spend time with her even if they're at home, using that vacant time to finish up more work or sleep in.

It's saddening for him to witness especially when the couple couldn't see the loneliness and desperation to bond with them in Natalia's behavior.

"Jeno's room is dull," Doyoung deadpanned taking a sip of his glass of water while Jaehyun takes a seat on one of the chairs.

"Okay?" Jaemin drawls confused. "What that does have to do with his tiredness?" He asked not really getting it as he lets Natalia take his last piece of bacon on his plate.

"Dear God," the beta muttered placing his glass down on the sink. "Jeno is an omega, they need to feel comfortable in their own place. Think of it as a safe space, because it's basically like that. It helps, especially on their heats," he said.

The brunet boy was cleaning up the dishes keeping quiet, not wanting o disturb or get in trouble. Just doing his duties as their maid.

"I guess you guys can go shopping today," Jaemin finally said after a moment of silence and processing the information. "I apologise for the hospitality Jeno-ssi," he said.

Jeno blinked and shook his head hastily, "no Mr. Na, no need to apologize, it's just– a mishap," he stuttered feeling awkward at the attention since he's used to being neglected.

The pure alpha hummed, "well you can use my credit card." He offers taking out the said card before adding, "but don't try anything else that can get you in trouble, got it?" He said sternly.

Jeno gulped nodding his head as Jaehyun takes the card in his hands while Doyoung tapped his chin trying to think of various types of ideas to decorate the omega's room.

"Can I come with?" Natalia asked bouncing up and down on her seat as she started getting excited, sulking put to aside for now.

"Don't you want to stay here and bond with daddy?" Jaemin asked brushing his daughter's hair that was in pigtails, which was done by Jeno himself.

Natalia pouts shaking her head with her hair swaying along by the action, "I want to join puppy!" She whined refusing the offer by her father.

Jaemin sighed softly, the thought of his daughter wanting to spend time with their maid more than him, her own father, was a bit unsettling.

Noticing the look on the pure alpha's face, Jeno cleared his throat. "We'll be quick Mr. Na, it's just a few decorations," he said twiddling with his fingers.

The pink haired only sighed looking at his daughter who was busy smiling at Jeno while the beta and alpha couple were just observing, "I guess so." He mumbled.

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