𖠌 Chapter Fifteen

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Honestly, Jeno doesn't exactly remember how he got here.

In the bathroom at a party, his boss's arms around his waist while he sat on the sink with their lips connected hungrily.

Tiny whimpers came out of his mouth, and all he got from it was a small chuckle from the pure alpha and a squeeze on his sides.

He squeaked when the elder bit his lip as he pulled away panting, what the hell is he doing? He just made out with his boss who is already married and has a family.

Not to mention he's a pure alpha.

He catches his breath as Jaemin brushed his hair behind his ear with a gaze he can't for sure describe. No, not when he barely knows what the elder thinks of him.

"So pretty," Jaemin mumbled aloud resulting a taint of pink glowing on Jeno's cheeks. "Such a pretty omega, Jeno-yah," he adds.

The omega gulped, "s-sir I-I don't think we should continue this," he whispered shakily as he could smell the pink haired's breath, the scent of alcohol from him.

"Why not?" Was the pure alpha's blunt question to which made the younger widen his eyes. "Tell me, why can't we continue this, pretty?"

Jeno pursed his lips, "because yo-you're drunk–"

"I'm not drunk," Jaemin abruptly said cutting him off with a stern look. "If I was drunk I would have done something else than making out with you, hell I could have been with someone from the dance floor."

"If I was drunk, how come I chose you out of all people to make out with in this bathroom in a full state of mind knowing exactly what I'm doing, Jeno?" He continued.

"I-I don't know M-Mr. Na," the said boy mumbled playing with Jaemin's third button on his white shirt whilst the first two were already unbuttoned.

"Exactly," the pink haired said looking at him glancing at his lips for a moment. "We shouldn't stop." He bit his own lip.

Jeno's breath hitched, "b-but y-your wife– what a-about Heejin?" He stammered nervously, is he going to get in trouble for this?

Jaemin snorts almost sarcastically, "she won't find out," he said before adding. "She won't care anyways," he shrugged nonchalantly.

The brunet's mouth gapes open and was about to say something but instead getting interrupted by Jaemin's lips on his own.

The elder pulls away with sweat dripping down from his face down to his neck and collarbones, and suddenly Jeno felt like the room got hotter.

"Trust me on this," the pink haired muttered before squeezing his sides. "There's more that you need to know about my family, pretty."

The omega blushed madly from the new nickname, finding it addicting when the pure alpha says it. And he only wants the elder to say it, no one else.

"Same for you sir," he blurts out as Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows. "There's more that you need to know about me as well, you're going to get bored of me later on." He sighed.

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