𖠌 Chapter Thirty-Three

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Hey, I'm sleep deprived. So idk what I wrote. Again.


After Mark ran off back to the living room, realizing what shit he had just done and left the effect of said shit back in the kitchen. Jaemin was still processing what the elder alpha blurted out.

Jeno began chewing his lower lip, taking a few glances at the purebred alpha's in-thinking process face. Eyebrows knitted together, lips slightly open before closing them and parting them again like a goldfish.

Jaemin then turns to the omega, speaking up in a hesitant tone in his voice. "Did I hear that correctly?" Raising a brow when Jeno sighed afterwards.

"Please correct me or something, pretty. Because I really don't want to misunderstand–"

"I'm so asking Doyoung hyung to kick Mark hyung for me." Jeno mumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose and rubbing them afterwards with his two fingers.

The pink haired boy was still hesitant whether or not it was a prank or it really was true about what Mark said.

However, he still managed to ask, "so... It really was true." Pursing his lips before placing his hand on Jeno's hip, rubbing on it gently making the pregnant omega purr.

"I thought you said you'd only be getting a checkup and we'll both go together when we're finding out the gender?" He recalls their conversation just a few weeks ago.

"I know... I just– I thought I would make it as a surprise instead to help you relieve any stress after the whole court situation, and especially if anything goes wrong, but then– ahhkk" Jeno stammered in panic.

His inner omega backed down, telling his mind and ordering his body to just submit towards his alpha for probably no reason.

It was all in instinct.

After his old lifestyle and his pa– those people, he has gotten used to being mostly controlled by his inner omega, listening to it as he felt like that side of him was protecting him.

By submitting, whether he agrees with his inner omega or not.

That way, he would receive less hits, or scoldings, still strong but more less in quantity, because he's not being bad and is instead being obedient.

Shoulders now getting slump, his head ducked low with his bangs falling over his eyes, he continues in a mumble. "I'm sorry alpha, you can punish me or something, I've been bad and disobedient."

Jaemin would've thought it was just Jeno being anxious or overthinking, since after they had gotten 'together' the omega would be more on those states than crazily terrified like what Doyoung rambled to him one time about traumatized omegas.

But if it weren't for Jeno's pheromones and thanks to his pure bloodline along with being born more advanced, strong, and with a better nose, he wouldn't have known.

"What?" Jaemin baffles, "pretty, why would I punish you?" He surrounds Jeno in his arms by the waist, pulling him closer until their chests were in contact.

The pregnant omega shrugged in response, "because I've been bad, I wasn't listening to my alpha and I made him upset. I'm sorry Jaeminnie, I'll take any punishment, even if it hurts."

The purebred alpha widened his eyes in surprise, although, his mind couldn't get rid of the memory of Jeno saying 'my alpha' while his heart almost combusted. It was flattering to be honest.

"Okay first off, Pretty, I would never hit you like those bastards did for majority of your life back then." He said sternly.

"Second, you weren't and will never be bad. Your heart is literally too pure for those, I think it's unfair and a bit of pressure to be blessed with an angel like you." He adds.

"Third, you didn't disobey me, hell I didn't even tell or order you to stay put in this house the whole day. I just recalled our conversation about how we agreed to go to the doctor together."

"Lastly, you didn't upset me. Jeno, you're literally my happiness and as well as Natalia's. You could never upset us." Continuing to caress the omega's side.

The brunet hummed, softly speaking up. "Still, I'm sorry," he said, seemingly back to normal and not submitting himself at all.

Hearing that, Jaemin chuckled softly. "Don't be," he snorts.

"Are you mad, though?"

"Mad about what?"

"Two things, our baby being a boy and Mark spoiling my surprise for you."

Jaemin rolled his eyes, yet his lips still curled into a smile. "Whatever our baby's gender will be, I will still love them." He paused with a teasing smirk, "and you."

Jeno's cheeks turned pink once again, "shut up." He muttered, playing with Jaemin's suit as he twists the material in his palms. Keeping his gaze there instead of towards the purebred alpha's teasing one.

"Also, sort of, I'm just more bitter about how Mark found out first before me. Again." Jaemin dramatically cries out. "And I'm the father!"

"He's my protective brother."

"Oh, the privileges." The pink haired boy continued to tease, his tone almost upset and sulky if it weren't for the obvious tint of jealousy mixed within them.

Snorting, Jeno smacks his chest and sighed. "What about Heejin?" He said, almost in a whisper. "What now? Is she..."

"She's coming over in a week or two to get her stuff, she's at her parents' house for now but she'll probably go around to find another man to ruin his life." Jaemin answered.

The brunet pursed his lips in hesitation, "does your parents know too?" He asked.

"Of course." The purebred alpha replied curtly. "They know about you."

"They do?" Jeno gasps, making Jaemin peck his lips with a laugh.

"Mhmm." He hummed happily as a reply.

"What did they say?" Jeno asked in curiosity.

The pink haired boy shrugged his shoulders, "they were happy, especially after how I ranted about you majority of the time." His words making Jeno feel shy again.

"They're in a business trip, but you'll meet them soon enough. Future wife." He winked playfully earning another smack on his chest.

"Ow! Okay, that one actually hurts."


"You smacked where my heart is."

"I'm sorry." Peck

"What the fuck did I just witnessed– JAEHYUN WHY CAN'T WE BE THIS CUTE?!"


I'm sorry.

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