𖠌 Chapter Twenty-Four

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"should we tell Jaehyun?" Doyoung asked as they all sat down on the couch in the living room with the television on to keep them entertained.

Jaemin pauses the show displaying on the screen for them and turns to Doyoung with a look, "well of course he would know. The better question is, should we tell Natalia?" He deadpanned.

The beta chuckled awkwardly and scratched his nape as they both turned to Jeno who pursed his lips, "I mean... When the time is right for her, I don't want to keep something from Talia or overwhelm her either."

Jaemin then nodded in agreement as he reaches to grab the omega's trembling hand in his, lifting them up and pressing his lips against Jeno's knuckles softly.

"Okay," he said and pecks Jeno's knuckles again before moving to lean in and leave a kiss on the brunet's forehead. "No pressure, pretty."

"Thank you." Jeno mumbled back at him with his cheeks turning slightly pink as he laid his hand on his stomach where his baby bump will grow in a few weeks or so.

The doorbell rang as Doyoung stood up to answer it while leaving Jaemin and Jeno to relax for a moment with the television on since Jaemin was still here and Heejin was somewhere around the city.

The beta came back with three people following behind him. And when Jeno turned around to greet Jaehyun and Natalia, his eyes started watering when his gaze fell on the third newcomer.

Jaehyun seemed to notice the atmosphere changing as he grabbed his husband by the arm and whispered incoherent words in his ear which received an understandable nod from Doyoung.

The beta then picks up Natalia to help her change and play with her for a moment saying there will be some adult talk in the current room before taking her upstairs.

"So uh... Surprise." Jaehyun said with some hand gestures which looked silly while the moment was serious.

The third person spoke up first, "Jeno?" He said with his voice cracking as he takes the police hat off of his head which revealed a slightly messy hair do.

"M-mark hyung." Jeno croaks and runs up to his big brother's arms and bawled his eyes out with his body shaking.

Mark swallowed back his sob and pats his younger brother's back whilst helping him calm down, holding his trembling body close as he whispered "I miss you"'s and "my Jenjen" over and over again.

He glances up to see his friend's husband's boss, or well to not make it a bit complicated, his brother's boss, staring at them with a look.

He gave a reassuring smile and a thumbs up to show kindness to which the pure alpha nodded at in relief with his body relaxing a bit.

Once they both calmed down from their reunion and crying session, they all sat down on the couch as Doyoung came back in the living room with no Natalia in hand since the little girl fell asleep in mid playhouse time.

"So you're Mark Lee, or Lee Minhyung." Jaemin speaks up leaning back with his arm around Jeno's shoulders.

The said boy hummed as he fixed his messy hair and places the police hat down on the coffee table. "Sure am." He said.

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