𖠌 Chapter Thirty-Five

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(A/N: also, more complicated stuff so bear with me.)


Jaemin doesn't clearly remember what happened next, what he was doing or what was going on.

He only heard the nonstop same screaming and crying, mostly from a little girl who was still shaking the unconscious body as if it would wake the person up.

Then he heard sirens, he thought he was going deaf, his ears just making that buzzing noise that makes his head dizzy.

He felt someone grabbing his arm, pulling him somewhere, letting his feet carry him on different types of ground textures underneath his shoes.

Then, he blinked a couple of times when someone walked pass by them, wearing a common white coat that is part of their PPE, another sign of professionalism or who they are as.

A hand rested on his shoulder, he jolted at the sudden physical contact. Meeting the beta's gaze who was sitting beside him on a long bench in a long busy hallway.

He took a sniff, and realized how busy it was at where they currently are. Or maybe he's just hallucinating and the place wasn't packed at all.

"Hey, are you with me, Jaemin?" Doyoung asked, calling him out with worry laced in his tone.

The said man swallowed dryly, "what happened?" His voice croaked.

The elder pursed his lips, glancing around them as he inches closer with his butt dragging itself on the metal surface of the long waiting bench they were sitting on.

It didn't help when it was cold right now, but they both were too busy on something else rather than on themselves.

"You don't remember?"

"I only remember the part of me rushing to the staircase and saw... Him... And then... Her... And..." Jaemin rambles off.

"I called the ambulance first," Doyoung cuts him off, seeing how the purebred alpha was probably overwhelmed of the situation.

"Then I called Mark, telling him... What happened, and then him and Jaehyun rushed to the house along with the ambulance."

"What happened next?" Jaemin asked.

The beta sighed, "I tried calling you once they took Jeno, but you weren't thinking straight and just stood there. So, I dragged you along with me here."

Nodding, Jaemin then asks after he looks around them seeing it was just him and Doyoung. "Where's Natalia?"

"She's at the cafeteria with Mark right now since she got hungry."

At the mention of Natalia's hunger, Jaemin knitted his eyebrows together in confusion. "Wait, how long have we been here?"

"An hour or two."

"What about... Heejin?" Jaemin asks, his tone laced with anger towards the lady alpha.

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