𖠌 Chapter Thirty-Six

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Jaemin couldn't help but tear up, his eyes stinging as he clenched his hands into fists. He's not mad at anyone, but mad about the unfortunate events.

Why does the world have to be so cruel?

"Can I see him? Jeno?" He croaks out, keeping himself together and not full on break down right there and then, Jeno is his first concern right now.

The doctor nodded, pursing his lips. "Of course, there's no excuse on not letting you go see him. You're his alpha, am I correct?"

Nodding silently, the doctor hums. "An omega always needs their partner, especially at hard times." He sighed, beckoning to follow him with one hand as he opens the door.

Doyoung was behind Jaemin, crying silently and covering his mouth with his palm, trying not to let out a sound that could trigger the purebred alpha into breaking down as well.

Once they enter, Jaemin almost cried. The sight was just so... Gloomy.

Jeno was slightly sitting up, there on his hospital bed, white walls surrounding him with his dark aura that was once all bubbly and a ray of sunshine.

Now, he looks... Gone. His face is pale and his frown is very obvious. He hasn't greeted them, spoke up even with the smallest voice. He was quiet to the point Jaemin could hear his own heart breaking.

Taking a few steps towards his omega, the brunet looks up and his face didn't changed. He looks back down to his now flat stomach that once contained their baby boy, and places a hand on it.

He began caressing his stomach softly, like how he used to when their baby was still there, healthy and safe.

"Baby..." He whispered, his voice was so quiet that the newcomers had to wait for a moment to progress what he had said. "My baby..."

Jaemin turns to the doctor and gulped dryly, "does he know?" A nod was replied silently. Doyoung finally letting out a sniffle before turning to his back and wiping his tears.

"He knows, he just doesn't want to believe it." The doctor said. They were at a safe distance, Jeno couldn't hear them, he probably doesn't want to anyway. He's too busy caressing his flat stomach.

"It's a common state, those who are pregnant and have a miscarriage will act like this. Others have it worst." The doctor sighed, "that's where their partners comes in, taking care of them like before. But more... Careful."

"What do I do?" Jaemin asks, glancing at the omega who was staring at his stomach. He looked away before more tears could sting his eyes.

The doctor chewed the inside of his cheek, "he's not in those types of states where you have to be really careful. I think you just need to be slow and patient with him."

"Can he try telling him?" Doyoung whispered, looking a bit confident with his words. "I think Jeno is in the right state of mind to know what's happening, but I also think it's Jaemin who needs to tell him."

The doctor pursed his lips, pondering in thought and nodded. "We can try," he gives in. "I'm not a psychiatrist, but my parents were." He chuckled lightly.

The other two snorts before they look back to Jeno, the brunet was now staring at them with his head tilted to the side. Wondering what they were talking about.

"Nana," he calls out. A bit more audible this time for them to hear. The purebred immediately hums with a small smile, letting the omega know he's listening. "Where's my baby?"

His question made Jaemin's breath hitched, his shoulders were stiff as his smile faltered a bit. He shrugged the feeling off and rolled his shoulders backwards, approaching the brunet carefully.

"We'll leave you two for a while," the doctor smiled reassuringly. Doyoung following him as he gave a thumbs up at Jaemin and waves at Jeno.

Once they were alone, Jaemin turns to the brunet and pursed his lips. "Nana..." The younger spoke.

He reaches to brush Jeno's messy bangs away, smiling so small and hesitant before he meets the boy's eyes. "Baby... I need you to listen carefully, okay?"

An obedient nod was seen by Jeno, Jaemin sighing deeply as he drags hand down to cup the omega's cheek. "Pretty," he said, the pet name made Jeno let out some sweet pheromones in the room.

"Our baby... Our baby boy, uhm..." He stammered, he shuts his eyes closed to not see the wondering and pure doe eyes of Jeno. "Our baby boy is gone..."

Silence was filling in his ears, he could smell Jeno's sweet scent turning icky and weak. A sniffle was heard, "I'm sorry."

He opens his eyes and quickly cups Jeno's face, wiping the tears away while the latter was crying. "I-I'm sorry, it's– it's my fault. I lost our baby."

"I'm a bad omega," he wailed. Jaemin's heart was screaming at him to do something.

He engulfs the omega in his arms, securing him protectively as he places his lips on the boy's crown. Kissing him longingly and rocking them side to side.

He didn't hesitate to whisper sweet nothings in Jeno's ear, making sure he can hear them. Mostly repeating 'I love you's', 'it's okay', 'my pretty omega' and such.

As soon as Jeno calms down a bit, Jaemin pulls away to properly face him. "Listen to me, okay?" He said, earning another usual obedient nod.

"It is not your fault. You didn't kill our baby, you didn't do it on purpose, you didn't plan it, you didn't want it to happen, and you certainly weren't the cause of it."

He lifts the brunet's chin up once he tried to look down, he pecks Jeno's nose and continues. "It is Heejin's fault and the unfortunate events. You are nothing but a victim in this."

"But I–"

"You didn't kill our baby, I know how much you love him and how much of an angel you are." Jaemin said, "and our little boy would say the same thing from heaven."

Jeno's lips wobbled as he reaches to wipe his face, Jaemin helping him with some tissues from the table nearby. "And lastly, you are not a bad omega."

"You are wonderful and perfect for me. If you were bad, I wouldn't have cared and loved you so much like I do now. Jeno, you did nothing wrong." He smiled.

Jeno blinks up at him with his long lashes wet, before stuffing his face against Jaemin's chest, sniffing as much scent from the purebred as he can to help himself calm down.

"I-I love you, and I'm sorry."

"I love you too, pretty. And don't be sorry, I'd be even more devastated if I lost you." Jaemin whispered, hugging his omega safely in his arms and resting his chin on top of Jeno's head.

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