𖠌 Chapter Twenty-Two

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"you missed a spot." Jeno fought the urge to roll his eyes for the billionth time this week after Heejin has been more at home than often.

He assumes Heejin just wants to ruin his life without knowing there's nothing to destroy since his life is already garbage.

The woman alpha has took some days off on Sunday, Tuesday, and on Friday. It wouldn't be too bad if she was actually nice. Unfortunately, she's not.

Today, Jeno is aching from all the chores he's been doing. Actually, he has been feeling weak and threw up a few times since after his heat finished.

He had an idea but he didn't want to assume something big and might cause said thing to have unnecessary problems. Especially when other people is, and can be involved.

"Stop slacking! Scrub harder!" Heejin yelled and stomped her foot on the tiled floor as the heel of her shoe made an annoying clicking noise.

With a sigh, Jeno could only obey and scrubbed the sink harder with a grinder brush as he poured some water that's mixed with soap.

After a few minutes of scrubbing it spotless and Heejin scrolling through her phone, he pants and paused before feeling like he was about to throw up.

For the time being of him stuck with Heejin and following the latter's orders on end, he stopped himself from throwing up or any of the sort.

Heejin would be even more mad anyways, nagging him for "using dumb excuses" despite how his own physique showed his weak feeling.

Hell, he was barely excused to take a bathroom break until Heejin decided to let him off muttering how she doesn't want more of his trash and dirt all over her poor kitchen floor.

Now though, he feels so tired as he tried to stop the dizziness of his head, the room was spinning and his arms felt limp along with his legs.

"What are you just standing there for?! Stop slacking off and keep working!" Heejin's scolding went muffled through his ears and he felt like he was underwater.

He felt a sharp pain on his back before another presence joined in the room, he already knew who it was considering the strong scent of a pure alpha's pheromones.

"Get away from him and clean this shit for yourself!" A man's voice echoed before Jeno passed out.


"Heejin. Leave." Jaemin glared as his gaze fell on his supposed wife whilst Doyoung was holding a passed out Jeno on the floor. Luckily the elder caught him before the omega's head touched the hard ground.


"I said fucking leave, dammit!" Jaemin yelled again as his glare hardened at Heejin who huffed before grabbing her bag and stomping out of the kitchen.

"Might as well go to work if you're just sitting around here doing nothing on your day offs." He muttered wishing he could've said that to his wife.

He sighed and looks back at the beta holding Jeno before taking a deep breath, "carry him to my room." He ordered as gentle as he could since he still feels riled up from his argument with Heejin.

Doyoung pursed his lips before shaking his head, "Heejin might find out, who knows what else she'll do when she finds out Jeno was on your bed." He said.

"She already has an idea on what our life and relationship has become."

"But she doesn't have proof yet, once she does, she'll use it for your next court date if you two are going to have one again. She can do anything to not only you and Natalia, but Jeno as well." The beta stated.

With a click of his tongue, Jaemin exhaled deeply before nodding his head giving in. "Fine, bring him to his room, and... please give us a moment when he wakes up." He mumbled.

As much as he wants to have Jeno on his bed like at nighttime where Heejin isn't around. He can't.

It's not that big much of a difference since Jeno has been in his bed multiple times, but it's daytime and some things have changed.

For example, Jeno's pheromones got stronger and thicker. Meaning, it will stay and stick everywhere on anything he's been on more than usual.

Since before, whenever he's on said bed, it's not that hard to cover up his pheromones and wash away his scents from the bedsheets and bedroom.

But now, it's like his pheromones have evolved and had gotten more... Undeniably obvious or out in the open. Than before.

If he lays on Jaemin and Heejin's shared bed, the moment the woman alpha comes back and smells his sweet scent of Strawberries and Mint even after a while now, can be risky.

There's no doubt Heejin will be using that as blackmail or either yet, a way to win things to get anything.

And Jaemin already has a feeling she'll be using that as proof towards her lawyers. She can be able to win again. Jaemin doesn't want that.

So for their sake and Jeno's safety from Heejin's annoying and bitchy presence, Jaemin will fight the many urges so he can get that son of a bitch away from them.

Luckily, Natalia was with Jaehyun at the mall today after the elder alpha male had gotten a day off from his work as well.

Although, he did gave a look towards Jeno when he came by to pick up Natalia, but the younger only brushed it off, too busy following Heejin's orders.

So Jaemin didn't really have to worry on having another heated argument between him and his wife again, that involves screaming, cursing, and many violent, and hurtful actions.

Little did they know, besides Jeno, Natalia has already seen the worst.

When the pink haired pure alpha finishes changing into some more comfortable and simple outfit that's not a suit. He heads towards Jeno's room.

He knocks on the door and was politely answered by Doyoung who gave a gentle smile, "he just woke up and is drinking some water." He informed.

With a nod, Jaemin was about to head inside Jeno's bedroom before Doyoung took ahold of his bicep, "be gentle though, he looks on edge and is overwhelmed." He murmured.

Jaemin hums in acknowledgement, never would he have the thought to hurt Jeno in his life. If he did, he would never stop scolding himself, yet he also wouldn't stop to make Jeno happy again.

"I'll be downstairs getting a few things, just tell me if I can get back in to check up on him. I don't want to intrude," Doyoung smiled earning a nod from the pure alpha before heading downstairs.

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