𖠌 Chapter Twenty

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"are you feeling better?" Jaemin asked handing out a glass of water to the brunet who was sitting up on his bed looking really tired.

Jeno's heat ended just yesterday, it took about four days and he has to be honest, after having Jaemin around and the elder taking care of him, he wishes it could've stayed like that.

Usually he'd feel like torture whenever he has his heat, having no mate is just lonely and painful. No one there to take care of himself than himself.

So when Jaemin gave him everything, went gentle at first not wanting to hurt Jeno, then doing what the omega wanted for him to do to just help him and make both of them satisfied, Jeno felt...wanted.

Whenever Jaemin knotted him, this time without a condom and literally came in him unlike how they usually have sex before, Jeno saw the way the elder made sure he was okay.

The pure alpha wouldn't shut up and stop checking up on him, for hell's sake he took the four days off to make sure Jeno is going through his heat just fine.

Surely, they both know Heejin knows too.

Heejin was back to how she was before, always going out and coming home late. But this time, sleeping on her bed that she shared with her husband alone. Yet, it's not like she cares.

Although Jeno has his own room as well as Jaemin, the pure alpha wouldn't leave the omega in his sight even for a minute.

He would make sure the door was locked when they're asleep or he has to get something from downstairs, keeping an eye out randomly and often stare at the brunet's sleeping face longingly.

They both know something is there, they both know what they have or what they are to each other means something. And they both know what's up next.

Especially by the fact that Jeno was on his heat, for the first time ever in his life an alpha took care of him, with respect too.

"Yeah, but still a bit tired." The omega replied with a mumble as he gulps the water down in one go, feeling dehydrated and all. "Thank you by the way." He said shyly.

Jaemin smiled softly and brushed the brunet's bangs away from his face gently and leaned in to press a kiss on the boy's forehead. "Always welcome, pretty." He said.

He cups Jeno's cheek with one hand while the other one was resting on the boy's hip. He then caresses his cheekbone admiring his little mole using his thumb.

"You know there's something here...right?" Jaemin said in a whisper earning a small nod from Jeno who looked away shyly.

"But...do you want it?" He asked as the brunet looked back to meet his gaze.

"Of course... I've always... I've been wondering what it feels like to be wanted and loved and...to have someone be there for me..." The omega mumbled.

He reaches a hand to caress Jaemin's collarbone, where a certain spot has a fresh hickey just from yesterday's intimate activity.

"This...this feels real," he whispered and glances to the elder's eyes before looking back to his hickey. "But I don't want to cause or ruin anything...even if I was close to happiness."

He chewed his lower lip and swallowed down a sob, only letting out a small whimper to cover it up. But his pheromones shows it all on what he truly feels.

Scared, delighted, anxious, angry, hesitation, desperation, everything showed and was all mixed up. Jaemin knows it too.

Being a pure alpha, of course he would know. He can smell Jeno's scent even from downstairs while the younger was upstairs in his room or maybe at the garden.

"Then let's make it happen," Jaemin said lifting the omega's chin up with his voice determined and his eyes strong. "Let's achieve your happiness, and as well as mine... You're my happiness, Jeno."

The said boy teared up and shook his head slowly, "I'm not," he whispered. "I'm not what you w-want, what you think you w-want. I'm just a useless and weak omega, only for the use of sex and nothing else." He stated.

The pink haired boy scoffs, "don't say such things to yourself, I don't like it." He said sternly before taking a deep breath not wanting to snap. "Those people are fools for saying that to you."

"But they're right."

"No they're not." The elder corrects and sighs leaning their foreheads together shutting his eyes for a moment before opening them back to meet the younger's soft gaze.

"And I'd be a fool to agree with them." He said and pecks the omega's lips softly, both of them smiling into the touch. "So don't make me one, because I'm already a fool for you."

The brunet chuckled with his cheeks heating up as he leans in to chaste a kiss on the corner of the pure alpha's lips.

"But I'll ruin you and Heejin's marriage. Jaemin I'm already too late, you're already with someone who's better than me. It's done." He murmured feeling anxious again.

The pink haired boy clicked his tongue shaking his head, "no, it's not done." He clarified and continued, "because pretty, you can't ruin something by yourself when said thing was already ruined by the people themselves."


Jaemin sighed and adjusts his position before bringing the younger to his lap letting Jeno feel comfortable, which was instantly. "I need to explain to you more about my life, pretty."

The omega hums wrapping his arms around the pink haired boy's neck playing with the hair on his nape to keep himself a bit busy, also hiding his anxiousness.

"Well," he paused glancing up to give Jaemin a look to which made the latter's breath hitch on his throat. "I have time." He said.

"Are you sure want to know about my life? I don't want to..." Jaemin hesitates looking around as if the missing word was somewhere in the room.

Jeno chuckled, "scare me?" He tries to guess tilting his head to the side.

The pink haired boy scoffs a little and shook his head before brushing the omega's hair behind his ear, "I don't want to lose you after you know how fucked up my life is."

"We're even here," Jeno whispered and gulps audibly as he lets Jaemin kiss his nose making him smile a little. "My life is as fucked up as yours, Nana." He said.

"Well..." The pure alpha drawls and leans their bodies together pushing Jeno's small body to the mattress making the boy giggle.

Jaemin smiled and kissed his lips as he adjusts their position with the younger clinging on to him like a koala. "We both have time."

My Mate 𖠌 ∫ JaemJen【✔】Where stories live. Discover now