𖠌 Chapter Twenty-Three

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"why the fuck are both of you staring at me like that?" Doyoung grimaced as he opened the door with his hip since his hands were full holding a glass of water and a plate of sliced apples on the other.

Thankfully, the door was already opened when he left, just a tiny bit for Jaemin and Jeno's privacy. The former probably guessed he'll be bringing some food for the omega.

"Calm down, I didn't poisoned the water and the apples are fresh from the market. Not poisoned too." He continued to nag and shuts the door using his butt.

He then places the plate of sliced apples on the nightstand and hands the glass of water to Jeno who immediately gulps it down.

"Woah, maybe you should calm down." He sneered and faked a shocked look as he stared at Jeno who just cutely, and I mean cutely, blinks at him with wide eyes.

"We need your help." Jaemin blurts out as Doyoung changes his gaze towards the pink haired boy who, he had just noticed, was holding Jeno on his lap.

"With what? 'cause, bitch, I'm no doctor–"

"Do you have a pregnancy test?" Jaemin cuts off, later chewing on his lip as they both stared at Doyoung who stared at them who stared at him. Get it?

"The fuc– alright, alright, let me just... Search the first aid kit in the bathroom." The beta mumbled slowly turning around on his heel.

Jaemin raised an eyebrow at his words. "Why the hell do you have a random pregnancy test in the first aid kit?" He wondered.

"Emergencies, Na. Just because you're not injured doesn't mean you're healthy." Doyoung ranted with his voice cracking.

The pure alpha only hummed at him, still suspicious on his words but will give him the benefit of the doubt.

After Doyoung comes back holding a fresh new pregnancy test, he hands it out to Jeno who shakily took it on his own fingers with a gulp.

He felt like throwing up again, but from the anxiousness growing inside of him. Or maybe it's something else. He doesn't want to assume.

He walks inside to his private bathroom and uncaps the cap on the test before proceeding to do what he needed to do.

Meanwhile, Jaemin was shaking his right leg whilst resting his elbow on his thigh, chewing on his lip, also very anxious.

He stops when he felt a hand on his shoulder, he blinks out of his stupor from the thoughts of possibilities and looks up at Doyoung who was looking at him.

"Hey, calm down." The beta said and smiled reassuringly, "whatever happens, the decision is up to both of you." He stated earning a stiff nod from Jaemin.

They both waited in silence until Jeno heads out with the test in his trembling loose grip. "I haven't checked it yet." He mumbled.

The two nodded at him understandingly, "do you want me to check it first?" Doyoung kindly and gently asked resting a hand on the omega's shoulder.

With a small nod and "mhmm" from Jeno, Doyoung takes the pregnancy test out of his grip, to which wasn't a struggle, and looks at it with pursed lips.

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