"No, I'm just saying, perhaps if you'd proposed an hour earlier, we could have celebrated together

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"No, I'm just saying, perhaps if you'd proposed an hour earlier, we could have celebrated together. I'm not saying anything bad; I'm happy you proposed!"

"Sure sounds like you're making it all bad. There's always something! You're never happy - you've always gotta pick fights with me, damn it," Colton growled, his eyes ahead on the road. "Would you prefer that I re-propose at Daffodil's wedding and steal her and Idiot's spotlight? Huh?" 

Emma groaned, especially at the fact Colton was picking on Daphne and Elliot's names just because he was angry. He didn't have to take it out on people who weren't even there to defend themselves. 

Emma looked back. Mia was sleeping in her carseat. She was dressed in a white dress with a burgundy red lace tied around the middle, and cute little white shoes. Colton wore his best suit, obviously wanting to show everyone that he meant money. Emma wore a simple burgundy red dress to match with Mia's lace. The dress fell to just above Emma's knees, so she wouldn't be tripping over it from how tired she was. 

"Well?" Colton demanded, taking his eyes off the road for a moment to snap his glare at Emma. 

"No, just forget it," Emma muttered, sighing and looking out the window. She glanced down at the ring on her left hand, admiring the way it glistened in the sun. Was it really worth it? She looked back at a sleeping Mia once more. It had to be. 

A few minutes later, they came across a big sign that said 'The Kinsey Garden' and there were plenty of cars taking up a lot of space. This would be the groom's family and friends, all Muggles, so Emma knew instantly that there wouldn't be any magic there. Colton pulled into a lucky spot and Emma stepped out of the car immediately, moving towards the back door and opening it, gently shaking Mia's stomach. 

"Wakey wakey, sleepy head," Emma said softly, smiling as Mia slowly opened her eyes. 

Emma took her out of the car and waited for Colton to come around with the pram before putting Mia down in it. 

"Did you grab the--?"

"Yes," Colton sighed, pointing at Mia's bag in the bottom of the pram. 

"Okay," Emma said, moving back to the car to grab Daphne and Elliot's wedding gift and putting it up on top of the pram. 

Colton made no indication that he was going to push Mia's pram, and he locked the car, and walked on ahead, leaving Emma to follow him. She groaned inwardly, and pushed the pram. There was a big slope to walk up towards the gardens, where, as Emma pushed, she could see a giant marquee and little booths by it. She assumed the marquee was where the wedding was happening, and that the booths held entertainment for afterwards. 

Chatter began to come clear, and then she saw all the people. Emma expected more people than this, but there was still so many. Someone was walking towards her, someone who looked very familiar, even from a distance. As they neared, Emma's smile grew. 

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