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Emma barely got a wink of sleep that night, and whenever she would accidentally doze off, as she sat on the sofa next to a sleeping Mia, she would wake back up right away

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Emma barely got a wink of sleep that night, and whenever she would accidentally doze off, as she sat on the sofa next to a sleeping Mia, she would wake back up right away. Colton was curled up on the armchair, fast asleep, and when Emma glanced up at the clock above the fireplace, it said it was nearly six in the morning. 

It was so quiet, the only sounds being that of Colton's snoring, Mia's sleepy murmurs, the clock ticking, and the birds outside. Emma stood from her spot and walked into the bathroom by the stairs, double checking that the front door was locked on the way. 

She glanced up reluctantly at herself in the mirror. Emma looked awful. She looked as though she hadn't slept in a week with those big dark bags under her eyes, and the purple bruise around one of them didn't exactly help. She reached up to touch it softly, but withdrew her hand quickly with a wince. She was just glad her eye wasn't small or swollen, and it was just the bruise. 

Emma's eyes began to water, not only at the thought of what had happened with those strangers last night, but also for the fact Colton didn't care what he had done to her, even if it was an accident. There was no apology, not even written on his face as he had stared down at her. She took in a deep breath, closed her eyes, washed her tears away, and left the bathroom to return to her seat. 

She didn't get very far. 

There was a knock at the door. 

Emma picked up her wand and slowly approached. There was another soft knock. Emma made sure to look out the curtain first. All she could see was the side profile, and she relaxed, quickly opening up the door. 

"Harry," she breathed out, quickly throwing her arms around him.

Harry returned her hug before quickly pushing her away, grabbing onto her face and staring at her eye in horror.

"Good god, Emma," he said with wide eyes. "They really did a number on you. Are you alright? How's Mia?"

Emma wanted to tell him it wasn't them who did that to her eye, but not right now. Not when he was swamped with work at the Ministry, not when he had an active toddler at home, not when his wife was pregnant and about to pop. There was too much stress going on in his life and she didn't want to worry him any more. 

"She's fine," Emma said, clearing her throat. Her voice made her sound as though she had been crying all night, and she didn't want Harry to know that she had been. "She's had a big sleep. Did Colton tell you about how... it all ended?"

"Yes, Mia's magic. That's impressive," Harry sighed, moving over to look down at Mia who was rubbing her sleepy eyes. "Yeah, that definitely would've made her sleep through the night."

Colton woke with a start, and jumped when he saw Harry standing there. "Merlin's beard," he grunted, clearing his throat. He stood from the armchair. "Harry. Didn't think you'd get here so soon. Is Ginny here?"

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