Mia squealed happily upon seeing her home as Emma parked the car

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Mia squealed happily upon seeing her home as Emma parked the car. Colton quickly got out of the car and grabbed Mia out of her seat, which surprised Emma since she was normally the one who had to do it. 

Emma's mind was still racing about the knowledge of the crazy things these Muggles were doing, that by the time she snapped out of it, she was already unlocking the door to the house and walked in, followed by Colton who was holding Mia. 

"Er... I'm going to go and shower," Emma announced, placing the car and house keys above the fireplace on the ledge. 

"Right, well then I'll go and get Mia settled for bed," Colton said, grinning at his daughter and racing upstairs. 

Raising an eyebrow at this, Emma simply followed suit up the stairs and into the bathroom, where she instantly stripped out of her dress and stepped into the hot shower. Once more, it felt like simply a minute in the shower whereas it would have been ten, as Emma thought constantly about what was going on out in the world at this very moment. She realised she probably had just been exaggerating her worry about it all, but she didn't want to just brush it off and then something bad happen when she isn't careful or when she not have a watchful eye of Mia and her frequent abilities.

Emma finished up with her shower, dried herself off, put on her night robe, brushed her teeth, and then stepped out of the bathroom to where she could hear giggling coming from Mia's bedroom. The door was shut, so she couldn't see what was going on. Emma smiled at the thought of Colton and Mia getting along, and she walked over and opened the bedroom door, only for her smile to drop. 

There were all sorts of objects -- toys, clothes, books, shoes -- all floating around the room in the air, circling above. Mia was sitting in the centre of it all, grinning up at what she could do, before she looked down towards the cup of ice cream in Colton's hand and reached out for it with a grunt, demanding a bit of the ice cream to go directly into Mia's mouth. Which it did. A drop of ice cream floated up out of the cup and soared towards Mia, and she opened her mouth and accepted the ice cream. 

Colton grinned. "She'll be a little Ravenclaw, she will."

"Colton, are you mad?!" Emma screeched, walking in and reaching up for all the floating objects and throwing them down onto the floor, only to have it bounce back up again followed by a childish laugh coming from Mia. "The curtains and blinds are open!"

Emma stormed over to the windows and shut the blinds and curtains, and faced Colton with a deadly stare, who simply stared back with a blank emotionless look. Emma fumed even more. 

"Anyone could have seen inside!" Emma snapped, crossing her arms. All the objects floating in the room dropped to the floor, and Mia whimpered, pouting at her parents. 

Colton stood from his seat and approached Emma, placing the cup of ice cream onto Mia's dresser. 

"We're on the second floor, Emma," Colton said in a calm voice. "What are you so worried about? Look at our child, not even a year old -- and look at what she can already do!"

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