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The drive home was quiet and filled with a silence Emma didn't care to break

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The drive home was quiet and filled with a silence Emma didn't care to break. Mia was fast asleep in her carseat, her soft breathing being the first to interrupt the quiet in the car. Emma couldn't help but think back to what had just unfolded out on the street by the cafe, the embarrassment and confusion swallowing her up all at once. 

From the corner of her eye, she saw Draco try to be subtle about glancing over his shoulder at her from the passenger seat. 

"Freckles?" he said quietly, causing her to look over at him. He was still nursing his hand he punched with in his lap. "What did you say to him to make him react like that?"

Emma frowned at him and looked away back out the window, thinking back to hers and Coltons conversation in the cafe. It wasn't even bad, and just as she had thought Colton was acting his age, he suddenly retreated from it. 

"He wanted to get back together," Emma started, still looking out the window. She could feel Draco's eyes on her. "I told him we both need to move on. That's it. He figured it out on his own."

"Not like it's some big secret though."

Emma looked at Draco, meeting his eyes. "Yeah, but we did happen pretty quickly." Emma looked at Atticus in the drivers seat, could see he was trying not to listen to their conversation but had no choice. "We should talk more about it when we get back."

The first thing Emma did when they got back to the house was change Mia from her dirty clothes and put her in her cot for a nap. Emma's vision became glossy when she stared down at her sleeping daughter, she couldn't help but feel guilty all over again. Taking Mia out for the day ended up being worse than never leaving the house-- it was all Colton's fault. Why couldn't he just be normal for one day?

Closing the door quietly behind her, Emma blinked back her tears as she made her way down the hallway, where she could see Draco standing to the right by the living room, still holding his sore hand. He looked up at her when he realised she was there, and he forgot all about the pain in his hand and outstretched his arms for her to walk into. She did so without hesitation, feeling his arms wrap around her back and softly squeeze. 

"I'm sorry today didn't go the way you hoped it would," Draco whispered into her hair, a hand rubbing up and down her back. 

Emma shrugged silently; she just wanted to stand there and feel his arms around her, it made the day feel that much better. Was what Colton said true? Was she really a home wrecker? She knew deep down it wasn't, that they had called it quits the night he got wasted, all those times he'd come home from work smelling like perfume, the night he had hit her. So why did she still feel responsible for it all? No, he was the home wrecker. 

Emma pulled away from Draco, looking around for a moment before meeting his grey eyes. "Where's Porky?"

Draco, still with his arms around her, said, "Grocery shopping. Why?"

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