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Emma didn't remember falling asleep, or there being a hospital blanket around her

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Emma didn't remember falling asleep, or there being a hospital blanket around her. She woke to the sound of the door opening and lifted her head from Mia's bed. A nurse peeked her head in with a smile. She had a tray with sandwiches, fruit and juice on it and placed it on the table beside Mia's bed. 

Mia was still asleep, but slowly stirred at Emma and the nurse talking. 

"Hi, there," she said to Emma. "I'm Kaylee, I thought I'd bring you guys your food and check on you both. Did you sleep okay?"

Emma paused for a moment before shrugging. "As okay as I could, I suppose."

Kaylee smiled. "That's good. And has Mia woken at all through the night?" Kaylee then reached over to place the back of her hand over Mia's forehead.

"She did twice-- for a drink of water. I've never seen her sleep so much before," Emma said with a hint of concern in her voice.

Kaylee nodded sympathetically. "Yeah, that's perfectly normal after what she's been through. But she does need to keep up with her fluids, and food would be great too. I'll leave you to wake her and see if she eats anything, but I'll be back to check on her blood sugar."

"Okay," Emma nodded. "Thank you"

Kaylee made to move but paused for a moment. "Unless... you would like for me to feed her while you take care of some things? You know, if you'd like to go and grab a tea or coffee, or even take a shower," Kaylee nodded her head towards the bathroom. 

Emma hesitated. A shower did sound tempting, and so did a latte, but she just couldn't. No matter how badly she wanted to. She shook her head. "I appreciate it, but I just... and you know, I don't even have a change of clothes or anything."

"Oh, we have a lost and found in one of the staff rooms. I'd be happy to go and pick something out for you, what size are you?"

Emma opened her mouth to speak before shutting it again. Why couldn't she just speak? 

Kaylee made one last suggestion. "I'll tell you what. I know you've been through a great ordeal-- both of you have. We can wake Mia together, and you can head into the shower but leave the bathroom door open. I won't be able to see you, but you'd be able to see anyone coming in or out of the room. So I'll lock the entry door for you. How does that sound? I'll get as much fluids and food into Mia as I can, you can have a shower -- maybe grab a coffee... and I'll pop back in about an hour or so to check Mia's blood sugar."

Emma swallowed, staring at Mia for a moment before nodding her head. "Yeah, that sounds great. Thank you-- for understanding."

"Of course," Kaylee smiled, looking as though she was resisting the urge to reach over and squeeze Emma's shoulder. "I'll head off to the lost and found and bring over as much as I can and you can take your pick. Why don't you start waking little Mia up?"

Kaylee smiled again before leaving the room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2023 ⏰

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