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It's good to hear from you. Ginny and I are happy to hear about your engagement. James was playing tricks on Ginny the other night when she was making dinner by hiding dishes with magic. It was funny, you had to have been there. Ginny's pregnancy is going well and little Albus will be with us real soon. 

As for the concerns in your letter, I've heard whispers about it. They aren't witches and wizards. Be sure to limit your magical use when you aren't at home -- it would probably be best if for the meantime you only used magic at home. Keep an eye out for anything suspicious. 

Ginny and I are going out for dinner this tuesday and if you and Colton would like to discuss this more in person, we'll be there at 6pm. I'll attach a brochure. 

We hope to see you there, 


Emma took Mia upstairs into her bedroom and laid her down in her cot, rubbing her back and lulling her to sleep for her nap. Seeing Mia slowly close her eyes and fall into a sleep made Emma feel somewhat jealous, and she yawned at this. Now, onto Colton, who was most likely working in his study if he wasn't sulking in the bedroom still. It had been a few hours now that Emma had not seen or heard from him. 

She gripped Harry's letter and looked down at it, rereading it. She licked her lips and checked to see if Mia was asleep. She was. Emma stood and softly left the room, and headed for the study, where, Colton, indeed was, typing away on his computer and with files opened and papers spread all over the desk. 

Colton looked up at her with his dark eyes and frowned. "Do you mind? Trying to work here."

Emma ignored him and walked in, sitting in the spare chair in the room. "Harry and Ginny have invited us out to dinner on tuesday. Want to go?"

Colton quirked an eyebrow. "Why would I? Ginny detests me."

"What? No..." Emma said, stifling a chuckle at the thought. If he thought Ginny hated him, it was probably true. Anyone knew when Ginny hated them. "Besides, if not for them then for us. I think it would be good to go out, just us, we haven't done that for a while. We can leave Mia with your parents. They never exactly complain about that."

Colton sighed and looked as though he was in thought. He bit his lip and looked up at Emma. "Well, they have been hassling me about leaving Mia there for a bit. They miss her."

"Well good that settles it," Emma smiled at him. 

Colton gave her a smile back, looked away for a moment, looking rather ashamed. Emma smiled at him again and stood from her seat to move towards the door to get started on dinner. 


Emma stopped and looked over at Colton. 

He twisted his mouth to the side. "I'm sorry... for before. And for the night of Daphne's wedding. I'm sorry."

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