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Emma only knew one thing, only thought of one thing -- what Harry had said

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Emma only knew one thing, only thought of one thing -- what Harry had said. He said that no Muggles would be getting in. So, if it was the people who had terrorised her daughter, then they can't have been Muggles after all. They wouldn't have been able to enter wizarding society from all the concealment charms. 

Draco looked as though he was thinking the same thing, and his eyebrows furrowed and there were creases in his forehead. His elf looked helplessly from the shattered frames in his hands and back up at Draco. 

"Just go and clean it up please while Emma and I talk," Draco sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose stressfully. Emma instantly felt terrible. 

"Yes, Master," Porky mistakenly said instead of 'Malfoy,' who leaned his head back and groaned as the elf began to trot away. Porky suddenly stopped and turned around, using one arm to pull something out of his pocket. "There were two more letters downstairs that arrived," he said, handing the letters to Draco. And then he was gone. 

"Who are they from?" Emma asked, coming around beside him to peek at the letters. 

"Daphne and... my mother," replied Draco, who looked stared longingly at the one signed by his mother. He subconsciously handed Daphne's letter to Emma, who tore it open as Draco opened his mothers. 

"Wow, great timing, Daphne," Emma said once she finished reading the letter. Draco looked up at her curiously. "She's invited me over for dinner tonight, and Colton. Hey, this is probably stupid, but do you think an owl maybe got in and swooped around when it was delivering letters and accidentally made a mess?"

Draco stared at Emma for a moment before he let out a soft chuckle. "I mean, it's a possibility but it's a bit of a stretch. But if there end up being any other concerns, you and Mia will have to be moved to another safehouse."

Draco almost sounded disappointed, though he tried to hide it with a reassuring smile. Emma even felt quite disappointed; staying with Draco was awkward to start with, but now that Colton was gone and it was just her and Draco, she finally felt like she could breathe. 

But upon hearing that she may have to leave, an enormous wave of anxiety rushed through her body. Where would she and Mia go? Who would they stay with? Would they even know the people they stay with? She was sure Mrs weasley would happily take her and Mia in, Emma would love to go back and visit, but the idea of another set of years keeping her and Draco apart again saddened her. Emma hadn't been staying with Draco for very long, but he felt like home whenever she looked at him. 

"What about your letter?" Emma asked after a moment of silence. "Is your mother okay?"

"Yeah," Draco said, moving towards the dining table to sit down. Emma followed him and sat beside him with her coffee. "It's been a while since I've visited her and father. He's been swamped at work but, she wants to come over for a visit tomorrow afternoon. It's unusual that she will come and see me."

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