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This felt more like amputation than anything else

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This felt more like amputation than anything else. Amputation, over and over again, like someone was hacking away at her body-- exactly what it felt like for Mia to be in the arms of evil strangers. It was still black. Emma felt herself swallow, her throat dry and her head pounding. She could hear her name being said, but it was muffled and far away, like in a distant cave or between distant mountains. 

Her eyes finally fluttered open, and when it stopped being blurry, she glanced around. She had no idea where she was, or where Mia was. Only that her and Draco were together. He was beside her, tied to a wooden post with his arms behind him in chains. Emma tried to move her arms too, but realised she was in the exact same position Draco was in: tied to a wooden post with her arms chained behind her. 

Emma looked up and around, trying to figure out where they were. Stone walls, what looked like a catwalk platform above, steel bars everywhere, the sound of water dripping somewhere. It had to be some sort of abandoned factory that these cultists had been squatting in. 

Emma could feel the blood from her head sliding down her face. 

"Draco," Emma said quietly, breathing in deeply and looking over at him. "Where is Mia?"

"In a room upstairs with them all," he said in a shaky voice. "I'm sorry... I tried to save her."

Emma held back a sob, tightening her face and looking down at her shoes. She pulled hard against the chains holding her arms behind the post, knew it was hopeless but had no idea what else to do. She leaned her head back against the post and swallowed. 

"I slid your rings and bracelets off," Draco whispered to her, glancing around to make sure nobody was around. "Left what trail I could. My ring included... I don't know if it'll make a difference, but I'm sure Potter is smart enough."

This gave Emma some hope, but she tried not to let it get too high. Things never worked out for her when she did. 

"Did they say what they want with her?" Emma asked him, swallowing back a sob. Her eyes watered again. "What are they doing to her, Draco?"

"I don't think they're hurting her. We would hear her if they were," Draco said, lowering his head and glaring at the concrete floor. "I swear, when we get out of this I'm going to end every single one of them."

A door from upstairs squeaked open. Emma looked up to see a robed figure walking slowly across the catwalk until he came to the stairs, upon descending he lowered his hood and removed his mask. He looked like any ordinary man. He had to be in his 40s, his dirty blond hair was greying and his bottle green eyes striking. He was a handsome man, and if anyone had come across him in the streets dressed in normal clothes, nobody would have guessed he was one of these people. 

Emma said nothing, only tried to calm her racing heart as he approached her and Draco. 

"Your name is Emma, yes?" he said calmly, clasping his hands in front of him. Emma stared at him for a moment, hard, before nodding. "I'm Jakob Villin."

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