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The next day was a wet day, with the rain sprinkling so light with a sound that made Emma want to stay in bed and order a pizza, even though it was only eight in the morning

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The next day was a wet day, with the rain sprinkling so light with a sound that made Emma want to stay in bed and order a pizza, even though it was only eight in the morning. Throwing the covers off and forcing herself to move up out of bed, Emma walked drowsily over towards the window, rubbing her eyes. 

Pulling open the curtains let a grey light into the room, causing Mia to stir in her sleep with a small groan. 

Looking outside was depressing. The last time Emma had been outside was when she went for dinner at Daphnes. Guilt begun to bubble in her stomach until it grew so big it made her eyes water... she felt like a terrible mother. Maybe if today clears up, she can bring Mia outside to play. Surely, there'd be no harm in that. 

Emma spotted Atticus standing by his car, smoking a cigarette. Perhaps, even Atticus could accompany them to the park or something similar, something to get Mia out of the house for one day. 

There was a soft knock at the door and the sound of an envelope being slid under the door. Porky could be heard walking away from the other side of the door as Emma approached it, bending down to pick up the letter and flipping it over to reveal Colton's handwriting. Seeing even just his handwriting was enough to irritate her. 

'Dear Emma, 

Colton here. I tried coming in to see you and Mia but this big bloke guarding the place wouldn't let me through. Who is he? And why is he here? I hope nothing happened that made you think that you need him. If you let me come back, he can leave. His attitude is terrible anyway.

I want to see Mia. She doesn't deserve to be dragged into our drama, and I'm her father and I plan to be always. 

I moved on from the motel and found a duplex to rent. I want to talk to you about selling the house. We'll split the money at the very least, or perhaps go 60/40... seeing as you'll have Mia with you and I'm at a new job now, full-time laywer. I've left the ministry for good. 

You never wrote me back last time, but please write me back this time so that we can plan to meet to talk about these things. Even if Draco comes with you. Whatever you need. But we need to talk. 

Hope to see you soon. Love you both.'

Emma sighed, knowing that she did need to see Colton to speak about these things. At least, though, he had not written anything about them being together or getting back together, especially as he had agreed to split the money... meaning he surely didn't think they'd be together again. That, Emma was grateful not to see in the letter. 

Draco was sitting in the living room on the recliner with a mug of coffee beside him on the side table and the daily prophet in his hands. He already looked like a dad, Emma thought, chuckling to herself. This drew Draco's attention and he sent her a small smile. 

"What's so funny, sleepyhead?"

"Nothing," Emma smiled at him, taking a seat close by and holding Coltons letter out for Draco to take.

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