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48 hours had passed and Emma wondered where Harry was and if he had even a clue regarding her whereabouts, if he was close to figuring out where she was being held captive

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48 hours had passed and Emma wondered where Harry was and if he had even a clue regarding her whereabouts, if he was close to figuring out where she was being held captive. Every hour that passed, the more hope she lost. 

Emma and Draco were now being held captive in separate cells-- albeit these cells looked like they were just built from scratch, but were built very well nonetheless. Neither of them could figure out how to break out, not that it would help much since they usually had someone keeping an eye on them. 

They managed to figure out there were eight of these cultists. Jakob, Audrey, and the only other name they learnt was Maxwell-- the dirty man Emma had first encountered. Audrey was the worst of them. She had even revealed that she managed to get into the wizarding community by hiding in the trunk of Colton's car on their first ride over to Draco's place, and the thought of that made Emma feel sick to her stomach. Audrey was there the whole entire time and nobody had a clue. 

Most of the time, Emma spent the hours weeping for her daughter, for losing hope in being found, and thinking of Porky, who would have come home confused to an empty house. She hoped Atticus was okay... 

Emma leaned on the side bars of her cell, taking Draco's hand in hers. Draco squeezed it, before a loud crack against the bars jolted them apart. 

"Hands off each other," Audrey muttered, holding her head high and staring down her nose at Emma and Draco, as though they had no right to be here on this earth. She smiled viciously. "Good."

Emma knew it was no use, as she had asked a thousand times before, but she couldn't help it. "Let me see my daughter-- I just want to see that she's okay."

"It's your lucky day." Jakob's voice came from the right side of Emma and Draco's cells. Emma couldn't help but gasp at the sight of Mia in Jakob's arms. "She's refusing to eat... maybe you can encourage her."

"Get back and keep back," Audrey snarled, punching the cell door as Jakob began to unlock it. 

Jakob placed Mia down on the ground and she crawled quickly into the cell and into Emma's arms, who instantly pulled the baby into a tight hug and sobbed. She never wanted to cry in front of Mia, always made sure not to, but it was almost impossible not to right now. Mia leaned away and looked up at her mother with big blue eyes, her little hand reaching up to Emma's face-- almost like she was trying to wipe her mothers tears away.

Jakob slid a tray under the cell door with Mia's food on it. "I'll be back in twenty minutes. Get your kid to eat or she goes to bed hungry."

"Wait!" Emma pleaded, sitting Mia in her lap. "Please stop this. Haven't you gotten enough of her blood by now?"

Jakob looked away for a moment, almost as though there was something he was hiding. He wanted more to do with Mia, Emma and Draco knew this... they just didn't know what and couldn't possibly figure it out on their own. 

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