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Emma had not seen Draco Malfoy since the winter of 1998

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Emma had not seen Draco Malfoy since the winter of 1998. They didn't fall off on bad terms, in fact, they had accidentally fell off. They were just so busy they had no time for each other -- with Draco just getting into the Ministry, and Emma jumping between jobs trying to find what she liked, and spending a lot of time with Harry in between. She couldn't exactly pinpoint why they just stopped talking, why they just stopped seeing each other, even just as friends. 

Emma and Draco just drifted apart, and they both let it happen. She did think about him sometimes; he was her first love, and there was always going to be a piece of him still in her heart. 

"Draco," she smiled, using her free arm to give him a friendly hug. He was hesitant to let her go. Emma noticed him looking at the baby in her arms. "This is Mia."


"Yeah," Emma nodded. She couldn't decipher the look on his face, but he smiled slightly at Mia anyway, taking her hand in his and holding it for a moment. Mia grinned up at him before shyly burying her face in her mother's shoulder. 

"She's cute," Draco commented. 

"Merlin, these are so good."

Emma and Draco both looked at the table beside them. Blaise was sitting there with handfuls of dinosaur chicken nuggets, scoffing them. He moaned happily, shoving more food in his mouth. He noticed Emma and Draco staring, and held up a fistful of nuggets. 

"Want some?"

Emma and Draco politely declined, before looking at each other and breaking into laughter. Draco blinked rapidly for a moment. 

"You're married?"

Emma looked down at the hand holding Mia, instinctively. "No. Engaged."


Blaise slapped Draco's butt. "Still got time to get in there before she seals the deal."

Draco glared at him and moved away, looking around to make sure nobody saw what Blaise had just done. Emma pinched the bridge of her nose, embarrassed. Nobody needed to defend Blaise by making it clear he was drunk; because it was just that -- clear. 

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