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Emma spoke quietly with Pansy as Colton continued doing whatever it was he wanted to do tonight

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Emma spoke quietly with Pansy as Colton continued doing whatever it was he wanted to do tonight. Emma looked at her watch; it was almost 8pm. They would be leaving in the next half an hour and it was going to be the slowest thirty minutes of her life.

Pansy helped Emma out which she was really grateful for; Mia had been getting fidgety because she was tired, and Pansy kept her entertained. Emma exhaled, leaning her hands on her knees -- she was so tired, too.

"You okay?" asked Pansy, leaning forward. "Why don't you step outside and get some air? I can look after her."


"Yeah," Pansy nodded with a small smile.

"Okay, thanks..." Emma mumbled, standing from her seat and moving through people to get to the other end of the marquee.

She was met with a breath of fresh cool air. Emma glanced around; there were groups of people still scattered around, even outside. She decided to move around behind the marquee and take a moment to herself, closing her eyes and breathing deeply. Emma had only been engaged a few weeks and she was already considering ending it.

If Colton wasn't going to help her when he was with her, then what was the point? It already felt like they weren't together. The entire night he never showed her any affection, never checked up and asked if she needed a break, even asked how she was, only drank and laughed and talked with everybody else. It wasn't fair.

Emma leaned against the back of the marquee and looked up at the sky, before looking down at the ground, shutting her eyes, and allowing her emotions to take over. She threw her hand over her mouth and cried as quietly as she could, and the more she let her mind race and overthink, the more tears came flooding down her cheeks.

Not wanting to walk around with puffy eyes, Emma took in a deep breath, cleared her mind, and wiped her tears away.


Emma snapped her head to the left, where she saw Draco stumbling towards her. She definitely didn't want to get caught behind the marquee with her ex. He got closer, and his face washed over with concern. He didn't even bother asking her what was wrong, all he said was--

"He doesn't treat you right."

Emma said nothing, only stared ahead, waiting for her face to clear up. Draco reached up and wiped her cheek. Emma leaned away from his touch -- anyone who walked by and saw would get the wrong picture.

"You shouldn't..."

"What? I'm not trying anything."

"Still... what do you think people are gonna think if they see this?"

"Let them think what they want. It's mostly Muggles here anyway, ones who don't know you. More for the fact your partner doesn't seem to want you to socialise with anybody," Draco scoffed. He sighed, and offered Emma a drink of whatever was in his glass.

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