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"Let me just start by saying, this is so humiliating," said Colton, as soon as they entered Draco Malfoy's home

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"Let me just start by saying, this is so humiliating," said Colton, as soon as they entered Draco Malfoy's home. It was clear he was threatened by the idea of another man helping out with Emma and Mia's safety. Plus Colton's. 

The roof was so far up. That was the first thing Emma noticed as she stepped inside. So very tall, with beautiful dark green walls and two arched staircases at either end of the room. Draco led them in further.

"What's up there?" Colton asked, jerking his head at the stairs.

"We'll get there when we get there," Draco replied in a simple voice, not even bothering to glance at Colton.

As Draco continued to tour them, he took them upstairs and led them to a bedroom where he gestured towards it awkwardly. Emma peeked inside. There was a king-sized bed in the centre with fancy bedposts and bedside tables on either side of the bed that looked like it was worth what Colton and Emma made in a year together. 

"You two can stay in here. If you want your kid in a separate room there's--"

"Oh, Colton can take a separate room. Mia will stay with me," Emma announced loudly, shifting Mia higher up on her hip. 

There was an awkward silence. Draco opened his mouth to speak, closed it, Colton did the same, Emma looked between the two and arched an eyebrow. Draco suddenly cleared his throat as Colton scratched at his eyebrow in embarrassment. 

"Right, well..." Draco started, beckoning for Colton to follow him. "If you'll follow me there's a spare bedroom this way."

Draco left with Colton at his heels, the latter looking over his shoulder at Emma with sad brown eyes. Normally, Colton looking that sad would have done something to Emma's heart... but seeing it at this moment made her feel nothing, and she shrugged at him and walked into the bedroom with Mia attached at her hip and her bags in the other hand. 

"Just put you right here and you wait there," Emma said to Mia, putting her down on the bed, and immediately going through her bags to unpack the contents. 

There was a soft knock at the door. 

Emma had been sitting at the edge of her assigned bed, in the room, with the door closed, contemplating her next move, contemplating how weird it was going to be, being here, for who knows how long. Mia was on the bed sitting up against pillows, talking to her toy ladybug in words only she could understand. 

Emma sighed, nervous, and headed towards the door to open it. She didn't see anyone at first, until she looked down at a small house-elf. He looked up at her and forced a big smile. 

"Dinner, miss. Mr Malfoy requests your presence."

"I told you not to speak so formally to her like that!" called a voice. 

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