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The water overfilled the glass and ran down Emma's hand as she stared hard at an old food stain on the wall

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The water overfilled the glass and ran down Emma's hand as she stared hard at an old food stain on the wall. She snapped back to reality at the feeling of it and reluctantly left the kitchen and went back in the direction of Draco Malfoy's bedroom. 

He was still leaning back against his pillows, his head reeled back and his eyes gazing at the roof, though he seemed to be elsewhere for he still had not noticed Emma standing at the doorway, glass of water in hand. She cleared her throat and entered the room, placing the glass on Draco's bedside table and bidding him goodnight. 


"Yeah?" Emma turned around. 

Draco paused for a moment, licking his lips. "What I said-- it isn't going to make things weird between us, is it?"

Emma shook her head, a soft smile on her face. She wasn't going to deny him the truth. "Not since I love you back."

There was a sudden loud thump in the house, but Emma wouldn't even begin to figure out where exactly it had come from or what it could have been. It sounded like it came from everywhere at once, one hard loud thump. Emma spun on her heel, aiming to run back to Mia's room but Porky was suddenly at the doorway, blocking her way. 

"Porky will see what it was, master Malfoy!" he said breathlessly, and darted away from the doorway, allowing Emma through to run to where Mia was sleeping. 

Emma was probably overreacting, but any unexplained thing made her panic, especially when she wasn't in the same room as Mia. When she reached the bedroom, Mia was still sound asleep, only stirred slightly at how loud Emma had entered the room. Emma would feel terribly pathetic if Porky came back saying it was just a rat in the wall. 

There was a soft knock at the door a moment later, and Emma looked away from Mia and over at the doorway, where Draco was standing. He was leaning against the doorframe, and it appeared it was easier for him to stand upright that way.

"Porky couldn't find anything. You don't need to worry, it's an old house and it'll make noises from time to time," he explained quietly. 

"Will objects also fall over from time to time because it's such an old house?" Emma replied, and only after she said what she did, did she realise how snappy it sounded. Draco didn't say anything. "Sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out that way."

"Don't be sorry," he shook his head. He moved into the room and sat beside Emma on the bed, immediately reaching over with one arm to pull her against his shoulder. Emma leaned her head against it. "You have a point after all. I still don't have an explanation for that, other than weak hooks I suppose."

"I had a thought," Emma said, lifting her head from Draco's shoulder and looking at him. "Maybe you have a bad case of poltergeist."

"A poltergeist?" Draco raised his eyebrows. "Well, well. He's a bit shy then, isn't he?"

"Is it bad that I kind of hope that's what it is?" Emma chuckled, rubbing her arm nervously. 

"I'll have Porky and Atticus inspect every inch of the house before my mother arrives tomorrow, see if they find anything weird. I promise, it's just an old house and they do creepy things."

"It sounded like a loud stomp though," Emma replied skeptically, and in the dark of the room, the only light being that outside the door in the hallway, she could see that Draco was also trying to convince himself of what he was saying. 

He met her eyes and smiled. "I do have an attic, Freckles. There are lots of old stuff up there, stuff that even belonged to the people who lived here before me. A draft probably blew through and knocked something off a table."

"Is that where Porky sleeps?"

"No," Draco said. "It's too dusty up there for him, and unnecessarily far away. He has a bedroom downstairs made up for him."

"Really?" Emma asked. She had never heard of a house-elf having their own proper bedroom, and she wondered what Porky's looked like.

"Yeah," Draco chuckled. "Even got a bed fit for a toddler in there for him."

Emma smiled warmly at Draco, who looked down and away sheepishly at this. "You're so good to him, he's super lucky to have you."

Draco looked up and over Emma's shoulder at the sleeping baby in the cot. "And she's super lucky to have you. Anyone would be really."

Emma felt another jolt in her stomach, and it was as though the jolt from her stomach had travelled all the way to her arm, for it had slowly moved to the back of Draco's neck. He allowed her to move him closer to her, and it seemed he got too impatient with her slow movements, and he used one hand to lift Emma's chin and he kissed her. 

Emma kissed him back until a quiet fart from the corner of the room made Emma and Draco pull apart. They tried their best to stifle their laughter, until Draco cupped Emma's cheeks and pressed a long kiss on her forehead, and then her nose. 

"Get some sleep, Freckles," Draco whispered, giving Emma's hand a squeeze. 

Before Draco could properly get up from the bed to leave, Emma yanked softly on his hand to keep him in place. 

"Can you stay here with me?" Emma asked, pursing her lips to hold back from saying something stupid. "You can say no."

Draco tittered slightly after this, and when he looked back at Emma, it was impossible for him to say no. He got up to close the door as Emma pulled back the comforter and tucked herself into bed, and Draco followed soon after. 

The two of them said nothing, but Draco held out his arm, indicating that Emma could move closer to him, and she did. She moved over to his outstretched arm, and he used it to pull her closer until she was almost resting her head against his chest. Emma could hear the loud, fast beating of Draco's heart, heard him swallow. Emma almost blurted out something cheeky, something that Draco had once said to her.

He'd once said, "I'm going to take a wild guess here and bet that Weasley twin couldn't do this to you."

Only she'd use Astoria Greengrass in this scenario. Emma wasn't sure why Astoria kept cropping up every now and then, but the cheekiness of the statement she'd thought of suddenly didn't seem so funny anymore, and she decided to keep her mouth shut and drift off to sleep to the sounds of Draco's heartbeat. 

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