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Today was an emotional day for Emma

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Today was an emotional day for Emma. After a slow week of wondering how she would feel on this particular day, it had finally arrived. 

Mia's first birthday. 

Emma could hardly believe that a whole year ago she had given birth to the little girl sitting before her. Emma had had a difficult pregnancy with Mia and difficult recovery. Had decided right afterwards that there would be no more after Mia. But now she found herself missing being pregnant with Mia, feeling her kick, watching her belly grow. Mia smacked her toys and looked up with a big toothy yet gummy grin, squealing with delight. Emma wiped away a fallen tear she had no idea was even there to begin with. 

A loud knock on the wall caused a small gasp to leave Emma, and she looked over her shoulder. She relaxed anyway. Draco's house made a lot of noises, but they were so loud and out of nowhere, so it was enough to send Emma jumping in fright. 

The last week had been so different with Draco being gone. Emma loved spending time with Mia and feeling somewhat safe despite those creepy house noises, but when Mia was down for a nap Emma had absolutely nothing to do and would simply walk around doing whatever she could to keep herself occupied until Mia woke next. Would clean even though the place was spotless, read a book, reorganise, spend up to an hour in front of a mirror practising hairstyles on herself. 

Another loud noise that sounded from the roof, and Emma looked up and glared. They always sent her heart into panic mode and her soul full with anxiety. She not only feared for Mia, but also for herself.

 After she left Hogwarts and all the fighting had come to an end, Emma never really gave much thought to anything bad happening to her, just went by her days as normal trying to sort out her life, walked down the street for a cup of tea, walked to work when she felt like it. Would she have done that after having her daughter? Never. It took Emma months to overcome a lot of the anxiety that came with having her first child. That anxiety being that something horrible would happen to Emma, and she'd be taken away from Mia, leaving her to grow up without a mother. 

Becoming a parent was one of the scariest things Emma had ever done. 

But seeing Mia on her first birthday had Emma both happy and sad at the same time. How had her baby grown so fast? She blinked and here her baby was, not far from walking. 

The sound of a door opening and closing downstairs snapped Emma from her thoughts, followed by the sound of a coat being hung up on a hook then feet jogging up the stairs. A head of blond hair appeared and Draco met Emma's stare, smiling instantly. He was holding a gift-wrapped box with a pink bow, and he discarded it on the kitchen counter. 

He approached Mia and picked her up, acting as though she was heavy, and then lifting her high into the air, causing the girl to erupt into fits of laughter. "You were asleep before I got the chance to wish you a happy birthday this morning, little lady," he said, lowering Mia and keeping her against his hip. He walked with her to the kitchen counter and pulled the box closer to them. "A present, just for you. Want to open it together?"

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