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Having a cup of tea in hand always made it better in an awkward situation. Blue eyes glanced occasionally into brown, and then both would take a sip of their tea to fill the silence and take away from the awkwardness. The only thing that would break the silence every now and then was Mia who would talk to her toys, but she had since gone down for a nap. 

And now it was just Emma and Astoria sitting at the marble-stone island in the kitchen, facing each other on their stools.

 Aside from the pregnancy changing Astoria's appearance, the only thing different about her since school was the length of her hair and what she did with it. She had tried so hard to style it to look good while in school that it just made her look indecisive and like she hadn't quite found her style, but she had now. Her brown hair flowed down her back in waves and she pinned the sides of her hair back into a casual jewel. And her attire looked almost businesswoman-ish, but classy and casual at the same time. Emma was a little jealous; she could never have worn such a thing while pregnant-- she had to change her wardrobe entirely to keep up with her pregnancy weight gain. If Emma wasn't humbled prior to pregnancy, she definitely was now. 

And then there was the fact Astoria claimed this was Draco's child. A boy. Emma tried not to let that gut-wrenching feeling enter her body, she had no right to feel disappointed that Draco and Astoria were having a child together, it was a blessing if anything, and she couldn't predict how Draco would react to having a child at this time. Emma and Mia were staying with him in his home, and now Astoria had come along claiming to be nearing 5 months pregnant. He'd be stressed, that's for sure. 

"I don't know how women do this multiple times back-to-back," Astoria groaned, kicking off her ballet flat and flexing her toes. Her feet were incredibly swollen and red from being pressed inside her flat. "It kills. I thought this stuff would come later."

"Increase your fluid intake," Emma suggested with a kind smile. "It's what helped me a fair bit. Not that it made much difference, I got huge all over but it definitely made it easier to walk."

"You got huge?" Astoria scoffed, eyeing Emma up and down. "Well, you look great now."

"I'm sure I looked great at my heaviest as well," Emma chuckled, earning one in return from Astoria who pulled a face and looked away. "Anyway, why has it taken you so long to show up?"

Astoria shrugged a shoulder, placing her cup of tea on the island. "I don't know. I was scared. I really wanted to do this not in person, but he doesn't... he wouldn't speak to me. And I didn't want to just owl him randomly saying that, I wanted to be owling for a little while and then slowly break the news. Honestly, I'm quite scared for his reaction."

"Hey, don't be," Emma said reassuringly. She twisted on her stool so that she was facing Astoria, who looked like she could not be reassured. "It'll be okay. Draco... will probably stress given the circumstances of my being here, but I'm sure at the end of the day he'll be thrilled he's having a baby."

Astoria smiled weakly, before a look of bewilderment overtook her face. "Why is it that you're here actually?"

"I hope you don't mind that I keep that to myself," Emma said slowly. 

"Are you two..." Astoria gasped and leaned closer to Emma. "Are you two sleeping together? Are you back in a relationship? Oh boy, would that be weird."

"I...no!" Emma half-lied. It was one time. "It's entirely different and we aren't in a relationship."

"Good 'cause... I was kind of hoping Draco and I could talk about things and how we're going to be involved with each other now that we're having a child together," Astoria said, avoiding meeting Emma's eyes. It was quite awkward given their history, plus Draco's. "I know he isn't interested in me that way. He doesn't love me or anything, not like he loves you."

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