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Later that evening, an adult sized dish and a toddler sized dish lay beside each other at the sink, among other dishes from earlier that day between an adult and a child

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Later that evening, an adult sized dish and a toddler sized dish lay beside each other at the sink, among other dishes from earlier that day between an adult and a child. There was a hot plate of untouched lasagna and salad sitting on the counter, the lasagna growing rather cold.

A squeal brought Emma back to reality, and as she sat at the kitchen table, her hand covering her chin in thought, she turned to the sound and grew a small smile seeing Mia playing in her playpen with her toy ladybug, watched as Mia pouted her lips and kissed it on it's head. 

The door suddenly burst open. Emma wasn't even startled. Colton forced a grin at her with tired eyes before he hung up his jacket and took off his shoes, kicking them by the front door after he shut it. 

"Sorry, babe. Long day in the office. Didn't think I'd be stuck there so long, you know? Loss of licenses, can you believe it? Loss of licenses and I'm there all day," Colton said, and it sounded as though his scoff was forced as he stood there, removing his tie. Mia was babbling up at him in joy, reaching her arms up, but Colton paid no mind and continued. "Oh, is that for me?" he nodded at the lasagna. Not waiting for a response, he strolled passed Emma, grabbed the plate, and headed for the stairs. "Thanks. I'll just have this upstairs. Still have some work to do. I'll be in my office if you need me."

And then he was gone, and Mia lowered her arms and her head. Emma, having not reacted to a thing, even when she smelt the scent of a woman's perfume as Colton passed her, stood from where she was sitting and bent down behind Mia, kissing the top of her head. 

Emma had wanted to talk to Colton about the feeling she had had earlier that day when she went on her walk with Mia, and she had been waiting...all...day. 

The sound of a stick snapped out by the living room window. Emma's head jerked towards it and she frowned, standing there for a moment, listening, before simply coming to the conclusion that it was a stray cat. She quickly walked over and shut the window and the curtain, feeling a chill run down her spine. 

Mia grew quiet and looked up at her mother with big blue eyes, bewilderment on her small, innocent face. 

Emma smiled down at her warmly. "Not to worry, my love."

Mia smiled and continued shaking her toy ladybug around. Emma wandered back over to the kitchen and filled the sink with water, turning to look over her shoulder a couple times whenever Mia would grow quiet. 

Emma hated washing the dishes at night time, as right in front of her was the kitchen window, not so long in height, but rather long in width, and how dark it was outside that part of the house. She could barely make out a thing, other than half a chunky tree and a few of it's branches. Every time Emma washed dishes at night, she hated the feeling like she was being watched when she knew she wasn't, and she never looked up in fear of seeing a figure or a face looking right back at her. It was a silly fear. 

A shadow sped past. Or... so she thought. Emma stopped washing dishes and looked out the window, into that pitch black, at those dark, dark branches. Had she seen something or was she too focused on that fear of seeing something? She didn't hear anything... Heart racing, Emma scoffed and pushed the thought away and continued washing the dishes. 

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