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There was a silence in the air after Colton left

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There was a silence in the air after Colton left. Emma and Draco could hear him inside cursing and stumbling about, gathering his belongings, before they heard the sound of his car start and they were left with just silence, other than the sounds of nature. 

Emma sat back down, staring hard at nothing, trying not to cringe from embarrassment. Draco said nothing for a few minutes, simply sat back down in his seat and drank the rest of his glass of Firewhiskey, before asking Emma if she was okay and if she wanted to take the drinks inside. 

As they made their way inside in silence, Draco clutching their glasses and the bottle of Firewhiskey, Emma wrapping her arms around herself, she bit her lip in thought about what had just happened tonight. She knew Colton was an ass, but she really didn't think he'd leave her and Mia, didn't think he would prefer to go off to a prettier girl and find more jobs over his own family and his daughter's safety. 

Draco watched Emma as she sat in a stool in front of the kitchen island, she could feel his eyes on her, and it didn't help at all with the intense feeling of embarrassment. Draco said nothing as he poured more Firewhiskey into two glasses, and slid one towards Emma, before taking a seat beside her. 

"I believe it was just an act of drunk and idiot combined, honestly. He'll regret it all tomorrow, mark my words."

Emma shrugged at Draco but didn't meet his eyes as she spoke. "It doesn't make any of what he said less true. He meant every word."

Emma felt a sting in her stomach as she said this. She reached out and took a big drink of her Firewhiskey. 

"I don't know what he's on about," said Draco, as Emma placed her glass back on the island. She finally looked over at him and met his eyes. "You're beautiful."

"Stop," Emma said bashfully, looking away. 

"You are!" Draco exclaimed, and when Emma looked further away from him, he reached over and tucked her hair behind her ear. "You're perfect. Unhear every word of it, Freckles. It's all bull. Men like that, they say things to control. He wanted to control how you saw yourself, how you saw your surroundings, how you saw him. He's a narcissist."

Emma reached over and poured another glass, quickly blinking back the water in her eyes before Draco could notice, and she skulled the contents of the glass. She breathed out, somewhat lightheaded. 

"If Mia wasn't here..." Emma started, clearing her throat and swallowing, staring hard at a light mark on the kitchen island, "...I'd feel like... seven years of my life had been wasted and all for nothing. Other than her, I haven't accomplished anything. Not like you, not like Harry, Ron or Hermione...not like anybody. I haven't done anything big, and I'm not sure if Colton is to blame."

Draco didn't say anything for a moment, and just as Emma pursed her lips, staring at him in thought, he opened his mouth to speak. "Emma, you're twenty-five. It doesn't matter anymore who's to blame, you're young and you've got plenty of time. And one person's idea of an accomplishment is different to someone else's. You've got big accomplishments -- you're a mother, and on top of that you had your own little job, all while putting up with a narcissistic dunderhead. Not everyone could do that."

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