As it turned out, Porky, Draco's house-elf, was quite the expert in looking after and entertaining human babies

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As it turned out, Porky, Draco's house-elf, was quite the expert in looking after and entertaining human babies. Over the course of the next few days, he had helped Emma with keeping Mia busy or putting her to sleep, or even feeding her, so that Emma could take a break. Emma had wanted to thank him by his real name, but Draco had told him never to say it as it wasn't his name anymore, and Draco just wouldn't budge either.

Colton was oddly at work more than usual. He didn't work at the Ministry as much as he did a lawyer for Muggles, so it was strange to hear him announce that he'd be at the Ministry. Harry and Ron had arrived the day before to hand him boxes of his work belongings from his office, and he couldn't snatch it from them quick enough. Emma didn't expect to see Hermione anytime soon; she was pregnant after all.

Harry had told Emma that nothing was out of the ordinary at her house, but had warned her that she may have to sell and move for extra precaution, and that while she was staying with Draco Malfoy, now would be the best time to look unless she wanted to be stuck with him forever, if he'd have her. Not that she wanted any of that -- to burden him. He had even decided to go to work less, especially now that Colton was going more and more, which, as Emma thought about it, couldn't be right. No, she eventually had to go and the sooner the better; she needed her own place again, her daughter needed her own bedroom again and Colton... well, Emma hadn't come to a conclusion about that one yet.

But Draco didn't seem to mind the company at all. Emma could see why; he lived alone in this big, big house with just his house-elf. It must have been quiet.

Emma could see it play out in her head; Draco going to work, his house-elf remaining at home to clean up, not that there would be much to clean up, Draco coming home to a cooked meal, going to bed, and repeating over and over. Work, eat, sleep... if Draco even bothered to eat. Emma was starting to get the same vibe she did from Draco in his sixth-year, and she wondered what was going on with him. She wasn't brave enough to ask, only hoped he would open up to her and she could help him in someway, just as he has helped her.

One late afternoon, as Emma stood in front of the bathroom mirror tying her hair back into a high ponytail, she was alerted by a loud slam from downstairs. And that was saying something, as the front door downstairs slamming shouldn't have been heard so loudly from all the way upstairs where she was.

She quickly finished up and rushed out of the bathroom, where she found Porky and Mia together quietly in a corner of the living room and Draco appearing from the kitchen. He and Emma exchanged an odd look before their attention was grabbed by a loud, annoyed, exaggerated sigh and the sounds of stomping up the stairs.

Colton raised an eyebrow for a moment but quickly lowered it, trying to play off that he was surprised that he caught the attention of Emma and Draco.

"What is it?" Emma asked after a moment of silence.

Once Colton was up the stairs, he shook off his coat and let it fall to the floor and put his briefcase down by his feet. He knew that Porky would immediately jump up and clean up after him, which is exactly what happened. Emma had to bite her tongue, try not to roll her eyes, or snap. It was not her place, it was Draco's if he had a problem with it.

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