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TW-- this chapter suggests sexual assault

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TW-- this chapter suggests sexual assault.


Sleep could not find Emma that evening, nor could hunger. She huddled into a corner furthest away from Draco who was breathing softly and evenly as he slept. Emma wrapped her arms around her legs and buried her face into her knees to keep anyone from hearing her cries. She wasn't sure how she still had tears-- she had been crying all day and night.

A selfish thought creeped through at one point during the night that made her actually consider giving Jakob a baby if it meant saving Mia's life. Emma hated herself for it. She didn't trust that Jakob would let any of them go... knew that all three of them would likely die here together. There was no way Jakob would risk Emma and Draco telling authorities about this place and about what the cult were doing. There was no way he trusted they'd be hypnotised to forget either.

Draco shuffling in his sleep snapped Emma out of her thoughts, and she glanced over to see him slowly sitting up and rubbing his eyes. He quickly became alert when he realised he and Emma were alone for once.

"This is it..." he mumbled, his hands flying to the inner pocket of his shirt.

"What are you doing?" Emma said. Her voice was cracked and croaky from how much she had cried. She watched the man pull something from his pocket, pulling it into two and bending with his hands. "Draco?"

"Remember when I went to pee?" he whispered, still focused on what was in his hands. He held them up at last, revealing a paperclip broken into two pieces in the shape of an L. "Changed my mind and told him I had to crap. Gave me more privacy and time to find something we can use to try and break out of this dump."

Emma quickly scooted over towards Draco's cell, watching him try to pick the padlock on his cell door with the bits of paperclip. Again, she tried not to let her hopes get the best of her, but sat there watching in anticipation anyway.

Minutes passed and nothing happened. Draco continued to curse under his breath, saying it was too dark. Emma slumped on the spot, staring down at the dirt. She winced slightly, reaching up to touch the dry, cracked blood on the side of her face.

"You okay?" Draco whispered, pausing what he was doing.

"Yeah," Emma replied quietly. "Please, don't stop on my account."

Draco sighed, continuing to toy with the padlock in his cell. "I really hope this works."

No more than a minute later, loud footsteps came closer and closer towards the cells, where a flashlight shined in Emma's face. Draco had long drawn himself back and hid his self-made tool. There were two robed figures whispering quietly to each other, both men who Emma did not know. One held the light in Emma's face and one fiddled with the key to unlock her cell.

"What's going on?" Emma asked as the cell door swung open. The man who unlocked the door walked in wordlessly and seized Emma hard by the arm, yanking her up off the ground and pulling her with difficulty out of the cell. "Hey, I said what are you doing?!"

Someday ⚡ Draco Malfoy [4/4]Where stories live. Discover now