Chapter 10

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I got up the next morning well rested and ready to start off my day! I take a shower and do my hair, now the hard part...what to wear.

I decided upon some dark jeans with one of my favourite tops. My Starbucks shirt! It was a white t shirt with the Starbucks logo in the middle of it. I also put a grey cardigan to cover my arms because my shirt was short sleeves. And to top of my outfit I went to my beanie drawer and pulled out a grey beanie.

Finally done, I go down stairs and head out the door for school. When I arrive at school I quickly go to find Sophia and Skylar. They were at my kicker waiting for me.

"Hey guys!" I great them both with a hug. They both return their greetings and hug me back.

"Hey Becca. So what's up with you and Dylan now have you confessed your undying love for him yet?" Sophia says laughing and Skylar joins in.

"No I haven't." I say sternly so they get the idea that I don't like him like he does. "But we did talk last night and I think we are back to normal."

We walk down the hall together and then I spot Dylan at his locker. I was about to go say hi but then realized he was talking to someone. I couldn't see who it was from where I was standing because Dylan was in the way. But then he turned and I saw exactly who it was!

It was Zoe. Zoe was a pretty much the school Barbie doll. She was popular, great a sports, drop dead gorgeous, and also smart! She could do everything. She was really flirty too, with ALL of the guys in the school. She was naturally tanned because her mom was Mexican, she also had wavy brown hair that came to about mid-lower back. She was skinny and fit in all the right places and all the guys drooled over her.

But as nice as Zoe seams she was the devil. She acted all nice around the guys by when she saw a girl who didn't fit in, or wasn't as pretty as she was she would instantly hate them! But she would pretend she liked them even though you knew she hated you.

I look at Dylan and Zoe talking, her inching towards him by the second. I got this horrible feeling in my stomach. I want jealous per say but I didn't like what's hew as doing to Dylan. She was getting closer to him and taking any chance she could to touch him. Wether it be his hand this shoulder or even his back! Like what the heck?

"Is Becca...jealous?!" Skylar says laughing. I was not jealous! Well maybe a bit but it didn't matter I can obviously see that Dylan has let his feelings for me go because although Zoe is getting closer and closer to Dylan it was a one way street. Dylan too was getting closer with her!

I know I don't like Dylan but seriously? One day your all lovey dicey with me and once I say k don't like you or I can't have a relationship right now he 'gets over me' and goes onto the next. I thought he was better than that.

I suddenly didn't want to talk to Dylan. I put my head down and just walked right by. As I walked pasted Dylan he noticed me and called out for me. I refused to talk to him right now especially with Zoe standing two inches away from him. I just kept walking to class.

When I got into class I realized then that I had this class with Dylan. Oh great. I see him walk in and I just put my head down pretending to be texting someone so he wouldn't talk to me.

Suddenly I saw someone stand beside me and I am guessing it was Dylan waiting for me to acknowledge him. I finally look up and as a suspected it was Dylan.

"Why didn't you what up when I called your name?" He asks me.

"Oh you called me? I'm sorry I didn't hear you," that was completely bull crap but hopefully he will believe it. I did not want to mention to him I was the tad bit jealous of Zoe. Dylan nods and sits down beside me.

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