Chapter 20

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"Becca I'm taking you out on a date tonight." Dylan states and shake my head no.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm busy. I'm getting together with Sophia." I say truthfully. We had planned this sleepover for a while now and I wasn't going to skip.

"Ok how about the day after tomorrow?"

"Ya that'll probably work."

"Ok let's go." Dylan puts his hand out and I take it.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"Starbucks." Now that sounded like a plan.


Finally! The end of the day. I grab my over night stuff and go to Sophia's locker. She was waiting there for me and we head out the door, to our cars.

On the way to her house we blasted I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift. This was our favourite song to 'sing' alone to. Well more like scream to.

When we got home we went inside and dropped our stuff in her room. I then go downstairs to say hi to her mom. Her family was like a second family, and because I didn't have a great mom myself, Sophia's mom was pretty much my mom. I even called her mommy. It started out as a joke but then it stuck.

"Hey mommy!" I say excitedly. I might've had a crappy day but now it should look up.

"Hey darling, how was your day?" She asks me and I tell her it was alright.

She sits down at the island and she asks me how I was. She knew of course, because she was there when I was in the hospital. But that wasn't the first time she knew. Before, when Jake and I were dating, I was having a really bad night and jake was out of town. He was so scared so he called Sophia's mom, not knowing what else to do. She came over and stayed the night with me.

"I don't really know to be honest. Like lately I've been having worst days than others but other days I feel ok." I tell her truthfully because she knows when I'm lying.

"Ya I get that. I had a really bad time in high school too. Felt hopeless and that no one really cared. But hey look at me now, I have Sophia and her siblings, a great husband, and I have you!" I laugh at that last little bit, "Becca it gets better I promise you that."

"Thanks...mommy." I wink at her and give her a hug. Then Sophia called me up to her room. I ran off and entered her room.

"Hey Becca can you help me with this." In Sophia's hands were a bunch of blankets and pillows. I laugh and help her before she drops everything.

We take the blankets and pillows down to the basement. In her basement we had renovated a room just for sleepovers or just to hang with friends. It had a big comfy couch, a huge tv, games, a snack bar, and even more blankets and pillows.

"Wait why did we bring down pillows down if there is a ton down here?" I ask Sophia.

"Because I like MY pillows and I wanted more. You can never have too many pillows!" She laughs putting down the pillows on the couch.

We put in Pitch Perfect, our all time favourite movie! We wrap ourselves into a billion blankets and jump onto the couch, the movie beginning. We quote almost the whole movie! Pitch Perfect is the second most quotable movie, next to Mean Girls. Which is what we had watched next. After our two movies we went up stairs. We had to restock on our junk food!

We came back down with chips, skittles, fuzzy peaches, and ice cream. Before I sat down to eat I went to the upstairs bathroom. I puked out all of the food I had eaten and then went back down stairs.

We sat there eating and talking. She was talking about Ryan, her boyfriend. Then she asked me about Dylan and I.

"He's taking me out on a date the day after tomorrow," I look at the time on my phone, "oh well now that's it's 1:30 it's technically tomorrow."

"Wow it's already 1 o'clock? We should go to sleep soon because we have school tomorrow!" Sophia says and I agree. I usually liked to stay up but it was a school night.

We talked until we got to tired to, and we both drifted off to sleep.


In the morning it was so hard to get up because we had stayed up late but we managed. We got ready for school; doing our hair, getting dressed, and eating breakfast. Which I quickly disposed of.

When we got to school I went to my locker and saw that there was a note tapped to it. It had my name on it with Dylan's handwriting. I opened it up and it said...

Dear Becca,
I hope your excited for tomorrow night! But first I have a game for you. This is the first letter of many. You must find all of them by tomorrow night! Good luck!
Love Dylan <3

What was that suppose to even mean? More letters? How was I suppose to find them? Ugh! Of course Dylan would do something like this!

I walk to my first period class, which Dylan happened to be in. So I walked into class and sat down. Dylan wasn't in class yet so I waited for him.

As the second bell rang and the teacher told us to quiet down, Dylan was still not in class. I haven't seen him all day and haven't talked/texted him since yesterday after school.


It was now lunch time and I went to our table, still no sign of Dylan. I sat down and asked Drew where he was.

"I'm not suppose to say anything except to give you this letter." Drew says while handing me another note. This time the envelope was red.

Dear Becca,
Your probably wondering where I am right now. Just so you know I'm not at school currently. My parents are probably gonna kill me but oh well. This next letter is to tell you how happy I am to meet you, but I will tell you all about this at Starbucks. Meet me there!
Love Dylan.

Oh great now he is sending me to Starbucks. Not that I'm complaining, but if makes me come to Starbucks and doesn't buy me a Chai Tea Latte and make me pay for it, well then he's a butt.

I get in my car and drive off to Starbucks which was just down the street. When I get in there I looked around and didn't see him anywhere. That's when I heard my name. I turn around and see that it's the lady at the counter, she was holding a cup in her hand.

I walk over to her and she hands me the drink. I look at it and it says my name on it with a heart, then to the side I huge happy face on it. Then it also says 'I'm so happy I found you!'

I smile and take a sip out of it. Yep, he got me a Chai Tea Latte! Gotta love a guy who buys you Starbucks.

I get back in my car and drive back to school. It was second last period now, I wouldn't even have this class with Dylan anyways.

I walk into class with my Starbucks, still smiling. This was actually really cute. I sit down in my seat and try to concentrate on my work but couldn't, my mind was other places.

I then feel a buzz from my phone. I look at it and see that is was Dylan

D: Enjoying ur chai tea latte ;)

B: Yes definitely :)

D: wanna know where we r going tomorrow

B: Kinda...ok maybe a lot! Where r we going

D: 2 bad! I'm not telling u!!!

B: :P

Before I knew it the bell rang, telling me it was the last class of the day! Yippe!

When I get to the next class, Mrs. K.G. handed me an orange envelope. I thank her and take my seat.

Dear Becca,
So it's the last period of the day! This note is to give you a hint of where we are going. Because I know you dying to know. Well here is you clue: What's one thing you can never eat for breakfast or lunch? Good luck!
Love Dylan

Oh great! I'm horrible at riddles! Sophia and her dad are really good at riddles, maybe I will ask them...

But for now I have to sit through last period! :P

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