Chapter 2

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By the time I am driving into the parking lot I have had my own little party in my car, dancing and singing to some of my favourite songs. I was just finishing listening to Uptown Funk! by Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars. This was my jam! I love singing and dancing to this song.

I park my car and I go to find Skylar. I felt kinda guilty telling my dad I was going to eat with Skylar but still I can't and won't eat. I need to get skinny. I need to get under 100 pounds, like I was before. I know this wasn't healthy but I would do anything right now to get skinny.

I find Skylar by her locker talking with our other best friend Sophia. She too, was gorgeous. She has dirty blond hair, not as straight as Skylar's but still straighter than mine. It went down to a little lower than mid back. She had hazel eyes, which she hated but personally I adored them. They were so unique and pretty. They waved me both over.

"Hey Becca!" The both said in unison.

"Hey guys what are you talking about?" I asked

They both giggled, must be a boy, "Oh just Dylan. He is so attractive and so sweet. Today he bumped me in the hallway and my books fell and he actually stopped, asked if I was ok, AND picked up my books!" Sophia said. Sophia wasn't usually the one who was boy crazy, especially because she had a boy friend, Ryan who was also one of my best guy friends.

Dylan. As everyone puts it 'the most popular, gorgeous, athletic, person in the whole wide world' or at least in the whole school. I didn't really know him but I had talked to him a couple times. And he is pretty attractive if I do say myself. He is actually in most of my classes. He is the captain of the soccer team and every girl is like in love with him.

"...Ikr it was so sweet and he was so shy and cute about it" Sophia was super excited about something but I have no clue what because I zoned out for half that conversation.

"Are we still talking about Dylan?" I ask.

"No silly we are talking about my date with Ryan last night, he gave me flowers" she said with this huge smile on her face and she was blushing. She was so cute when she did that.

"Flowers? Really? That's kinda cheesy to be honest. Cute, but cheesy." Skylar said as I laughed at them. They were So different but so much alike.

The first bell rang and I go to my locker to get my science stuff. I got to my locker and got my stuff and went off to science. I had science with Skylar and we sat beside each other everyday. We always sit in the back corner.

When I got there she was already there on her phone. She was probably snap chatting someone. I sit down beside her and take my phone out too. I had one new snapchat from 'bae'/Skylar of course she snapchats me when I'm right here!

Nobody was sitting beside me so I put my feet up on the chair. Thank the lord no one was there so I could do that. I looked back at my phone just as the second bell rang. I put my phone away as all the late people walk in.

"Um excuse me can I sit here?" I look up to see Dylan standing beside the chair I had my feet on.

"Ya sure I guess" I say taking my feet of the chair, and he sits down. I look over at Skylar and she wiggles her eyebrows. I role my eyes at her and snicker.

"Ok class open your textbooks to page 263" my teacher, Miss Vanderbryse, says. "And can Jake read first."

This is gonna be just great. (Note the sarcasm) I pull out my phone and text Sophie who was in math.

:::Dylan is sitting beside me ;) I bet ur jealous::: I just wanted to see what she would say

:::oh lucky you lol I'm sitting beside Ryan so it's alright ;)::: of course she is...

:::tell him I say hi!:::

"Becca can you please read next" miss Vanderbryse asked me. I quickly put my phone down so she won't see and look at my textbook I had no clue where we were.

"Um ya ok I can do that..." I say hesitantly. Dylan reaches over and points down at the 5 paragraph. I look over a him and mouth thank you and go onto reading.

When I was done I pushed my book away and went back on my phone. 20 minutes later we were done reading.

"Class we are gone be a project," everyone looks at their best friend, "but I am gonna be choosing your partners" the whole class groans. She starts listing off a bunch of people as partners. Skylar wasn't with me she was with Dylan's best friend, Drew. And when I found out I wasn't with her I just kinda zoned out.

"...and Becca." My teacher announced. Wait! Who was I with? I wasn't paying attention. I look over at Skylar and she once again wiggles her eyebrows. Ok so I must be with a boy... Then I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Dylan looking at me.

"Where do you want to go to start planning out our project," he ask me. Oh so he's my partner. Great...ok it's not that I don't like Dylan it's just I don't see what's the big deal about him. Like sure he's attractive but I've seen hotter. Take Theo James for example, now he, he is hot!

"Um let's ask if we can go into a different room. I work better when I'm not surrounded by idiots," I keep my face completely straight the whole time I said that so he would think I was serious. He looked at me weird, and I burst out laughing. When he realized I was joking he laughed really hard.

We went to the teacher to ask if we could go into a different room and she agreed. When we got to the room we sat at the table and spread our books across it. We brainstormed ideas for our project.

I pull out my phone and put on some music so it can help me focus. I put on One Direction and go back to our brainstorming.

"One Direction is lame," Dylan says to me. I look at him with shock.

"Your lame!" I spit back at him. I love one direction I might not be as obsessed as I was before but still I love them.

"Hey I'm just saying. They are just not my favourite." He says while looking back at his work.

"Well what do u listen to?" I ask him.

"I don't really have a genre I listen to I listen to a lot of different stuff, from pop to country to rap." He says looking at me now instead of his work.

"Ew I hate country!" I say. My one friend loves country and I always make fun of her for it. I used to hate it so much I would never listen to it but now it's more of a I just don't really like it.

He laughs, "I don't listen to country a lot but it used to be the only thing I would listen to a couple years ago."

"Oh cool." I look back at my work and try to do more of it because we totally just went on a bunny rabbit trail.

"What's your favourite color?" He asks me. I look back at him with a questioning look.

"Purple and green. Why?"

"Oh just wondering. I just realized that i don't know you very much and we have a lot of classes together so ya," he explains. He does have a point we have known each other for a long time but we have never really talked.

"What's yours?" I ask him

"Blue. Probably like the same colour of your eyes," he says and I look down blushing. I hate when people compliment me. Even though that was not a compliment he still noticed something about my physical appearance. "What is your favourite sport?" He asks me

"Um I really like soccer but I'm not very good at it and I like to play and watch hockey" I didn't even have to ask him what his favourite sport was, seeing as he was the captain of the soccer team.

A half an hour later we were asking each other what our favourite cookie was. We had just been asking each other questions and had gotten no work done.

"I love chocolate chip cookies!" I say with a laugh.

"Hmm me too! So good. I also love just eating cookie dough plain. That is the best!"

"Omigosh! I love doing that." We laugh together. I never knew this about him but Dylan is actually a very chill person. He's really easy to talk to also.

The bell rings and we realize that we hadn't done much work. "Oh well," Dylan says, "I guess we will just have to work hard tomorrow." We both exit the room and go to our lockers for our next class.

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